Center Commanders

Capt. David A. Weaver
March, 1935 -- Jan., 1936

Capt. D. A. Weaver Capt. David Allen Weaver was born on Sept. 23, 1879 in Pheonix, Georgia, and was appointed to the Naval Academy from Georgia on Sept. 11, 1897. He graduated from the academy on May 15, 1902 and was promoted to ensign on May 4, 1904.

During World War I, he served as an aide on the staff on commander, Battleship Division Seven, Atlantic Fleet; and later on the staff of commander, Division Five, Atlantic Fleet (on board USS Connecticut).

On May 17, 1918, he became executive officer of USS South Carolina and in Sept. 1918, was transferred to USS Wyoming as executive officer.

He was attached to the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill., from April, 1919 until June, 1920 when he was sent to the Naval War College, Newport, R.I. On the completion of that course, he commanded USS Eagle in 1921 and USS Quail in 1922.

He assumed command of Submarine Division 17, Pacific Fleet on Oct. 12, 1923. In the fall of 1925, he reported for duty at the Navy yard, Portsmouth, N.H., where he remained until July, 1928, when he was ordered to command the submarine tender USS Holland.

Other duty stations he commanded included Naval Training Station, Hampton Roads in 1930 and USS New Mexico in 1933.

In 1934, he was ordered to duty in the Eleventh Naval District, San Diego.

He reported to Naval Training Station, San Diego in March, 1935 and was the first commanding officer to die while serving his this capacity.

In Memoriam
David Allen Weaver
1879 - 1936
Captain, U.S. Navy
Commanding Officer
U.S. Naval Training Station
San Diego, Califormia

The officers and men of the U.S. Naval Training Station deeply deplore the pasing of their former Commanding Officer, the late Captain D. A. Weaver, U.S. Navy, whose sudden death at the Station on Thursday, January 2, 1936, was a shock to all. Deeply respected and loved by all who knew him, his loss is felt by all hands, who extend their sincere sympathy and condolence to his family.

Commander Frank Luckel, the Executive Officer, expressed the opinion of us all when he said: "Captain Weaver was an efficient and able officer who was at the same time kindly and sympathetic. He was a man of simple tastes who had a rare understanding of the problems of the officers and men under his command."

The above memorial clipping appeared on the front page of the Hoist newspaper on Saturday, Jan. 4, 1936.

Center Commanders

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