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About the SPCA

Protecting animals from cruelty since 1877, the Nova Scotia SPCA

is a registered charity, comprised of 11 Branches, which

relies primarily on volunteers and donations, to fund animal protection,

care and rehabilitation; advocacy; and humane education.

The act to Protect Animals and to aid Animals that are in Distress

mandates the Society to enforce animal cruelty laws, making the

Nova Scotia SPCA unique among animal wellfare organizations in the province


The guiding principles of the SPCA No Kill model focuses on increasing live release rates

with a commitment of attaining a record of 90% or higher. All healthy and medically treatable animals

will be given every opportunity for adoption and euthanasia will be reserved only for reasons of mercy or aggression.

The model employs a strategy that focuses on increasing adoptions by removing barriers; opening admission

so that as many animals as possible are helped; providing community support systems

through collaboration and cooperation with government, veterinarians, rescue, TNR and other animal welfare organizations;

and other animal welfare organizations; increasing donor and volunteer support; adhering to high standards

of animal care; being accountable and transparent; educating the public about misconceptions

and humane and responsible pet ownership; and strong leadership committed to the model and creative solutions.

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