Medical Websites

See also Cultural Medicine

For information on the criteria I used in selecting the following medical websites, please see Important Notes & Disclaimer

For more information about evaluating websites, check out Evaluating the Quality of Internet Information Sources: Consolidated Listing of Evaluation Criteria and Quality Indicators; this list of webpage evaluation criteria is the most comprehensive I've seen yet.

IQ Tool another assessment tool that helps you evaluate the veracity & worth of a medical website; type in the url & the site in question will appear in another window, check off the IQ criteria, then a score, summary, & detailed description is given

DISCERN an assessment tool that helps you evaluate the reliability/authority & coverage of treatment options of a medical print publication, gives a nice case study format description to help you decide on the Leikhert scale rating; click on the logo, & then "Discern Instrument"

MEDLINEplus this is a fantastic site where you can brush up on diseases and that you can confidently refer your patients to; site has links to handout on various aspects of a disease, such as coping, diagnosis, clinical trials, etc.; there's also animated videos and more.

Health on the Net search by topic to get a list of medical sites that are peer-reviewed, ranked, & described

MD Consult Database
(has patient handouts, some for adult, pediatric, & adolescents & in English & Spanish--usually on syndromes)
on Electronic Databases on NSU HPD Library Homepages by Johns Hopkins includes pictures

Mayo Clinic Health Oasis includes pictures

HealthCentral includes pictures

Dynamic Medicine more medically-technical info, including lab tests & ICD-9 diagnostic codes; register for free

Martindale's Health Science Guide the site has many instructional links for healthcare professionals & students; this excellent resource has been cited in numerous places

HealthWeb medical links selected by librarians--excellently organized site; also links to pictures, videos, etc.

Health Answers this site was referenced from Dynamic Medicine & was not listed in the librarian publication; includes pictures

Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines links to online medical books & journals


Medical Matrix register for free

The Virtual Hospital

The Virtual Children's Hospital

The Virtual Naval Hospital: Medicine & the Ocean

The Merck Manual 17th ed. completely online

Medical Encyclopedia of Tests written for the patient, entries include illustrations and images, alternative names, why the test is performed, how the test will feel, how to prepare for the test (for different age groups), normal values, special considerations, what (abnormal, positive, or negative) results mean, what the risks are; entries can be emailed

The Yale University School of Medicine Patient�s Guide to Medical Tests written for the patient, a table format notes where it�s done, who does it, how long it takes, discomfort/pain, results ready when, special equipment, risks/complications, & average cost. Text notes other names, purposes, how it works, preparation, test procedure, after the test, factors, affecting results, interpretation, advantages, disadvantages, the next step, trivia, & patient tips.

Medical Images from you have to be a paying subscriber to view images without the watermark or to download images.

Science Magazine's 50 Best Health & Medical Websites includes descriptions of each site

The Personal Health Manager supposedly, after you download their application (about 1 hour), you can enter in your health data & it'll graphically track your health & risks for certain diseases, you can list your other health information, too


Find an error or dead link? Let me know about it!

[The 4 Most Common Questions Asked About OT] [Anatomy & Neuroanatomy] [Assessments, Mental & Physical ] [Big Tips for NSU OT Students] [Citing] [Cultural Medicine] [Cultural Mental Health] [Diagnosis & Treatment] [Dictionaries/Medical Terminology/Abbreviations/SOAP Notes] [Equipment & Services Catalogs] [Ethics & Occupational Therapy] [Evidence-Based Practice, Life-Long Learning, Continuing Ed...] [Finances & Job Issues] [Frames of Reference/Critical Reasoning] [Grants] [Legal Forms] [Listservs] [Medical Websites] [Miscellaneous] [OT Board Exam Preparation] [OT Greeting Cards] [OT in Spanish] [OT Links] [Resumes] [Search Engines & Webrings] [SPSS Computer Prgm. & I.R.B. (Research)] [Tanya & Friends-- OT in: [many languages]] [Viruses, Scams, & Hoaxes]

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