Tanya T. Feddern
work contact information
1601 NW 10th Ave. Miami, FL 33136
Ph: (305) 243-6648, Fax: (305) 325-9670
tfeddern at med.miami.edu (substitute @ for at)


Anonymous Student Feedback
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Title: Providing Health Information Resources and Services in Other Languages
Target Audience: librarians
Institution: approved for 8 CE by the Medical Library Assocation
Date Created: September 2002
Notes: Written by Kristine Alpi, Barbara Bibel, and Tanya Feddern.

Title: Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine and Use of the Biomedical Literature
Target Audience: University of Miami medical students as part of EBM501-2006, Population Medicine & Evidence-Based Practice, a 4-year longitudinal theme in the medical school curriculum
Institution: University of Miami School of Medicine and libraries
Date Created: July 2002 - present
Notes: Course materials are constantly being revised. Contact me via tfeddern at med.miami.edu (substitute @ for at) for additional information. I've compiled and/or researched and written over 300 pages and 182 PowerPoint slides of support materials for the course. Unfortunately, only some of them are linked online: EBM Glossary (well-written definitions culled & referenced from the Internet); Saving, Opening, & Printing from CATmaker; Accessing & Printing Journal Articles from the Library�s Computers; Accessing Online Books & Journals from Home; EBM Librarian: Neat MeSH Terms: a growing list; EBM Librarian: Teaching EBM, Example Articles, & More; EBM Librarian: Bibliographies (non-English articles) of Possible Readings for an EBM Syllabus; and EBM Librarian: Bibliographies of Possible Readings for an EBM Syllabus.

Title: Saving, Opening, & Printing from CATmaker
Target Audience: University of Miami medical students learning Critically-Appraised Topics ("CATS" in Evidence-Based Medicine)
Institution: University of Miami libraries
Date Created: June 2002
Notes: This tutorial contains screenshots on saving, opening, and printing "cats" and "kittens" from the CATmaker software.

Title: Accessing and Printing Journal Articles from the Library's Computers
Target Audience: University of Miami/Jackson Hospital/VA students, faculty, staff, and the public
Institution: University of Miami libraries
Date Created: June 2002
Notes: This tutorial shows users how to access and print electronic journal articles.

Title: Computing for Beginners
Target Audience: beginning computer users
Date Created: April 2002
Notes: This is not a class but grew out of a patron request. If I get the opportunity to teach such a class, I would use these resources. The following links and documents include an excellent manual for the computer instructor, parts of the computer, mouse tutorials (in English, Spanish, & Dutch), glossaries, and more. How to Be an Internet Trainer (developed by Neil Hollands; edited by Zack Tippetts; of the Utah Education Network): part 1, part 2, part 3, Common Computer Parts, Mousercize, New User Tutorial (shows mouse position for right and left-hand users), Scranton Public Library's Mouse Tutorial, Basic Computer Terms Glossary, Webopedia, AARP: Computers & Technology: How-To's.

Title: Introduction to EndNote (bibliographic software)
Instructor's Guide
Target Audience: University of Miami/Jackson Hospital/VA students, faculty, and staff
Institution: University of Miami libraries
Date Created: March 2002; last revised June 2002
Notes: The purpose of this class is to briefly introduce participants to EndNote's basic features. Since this class often follows another class, such as Kelly Michael Moore's MEDLINE class, I keep this one short at 15-20 minutes. Participants get a folder with: my business card, EndNote Instructions for PA Students: pages 1 & 2 (great overview), EndNote Support & Services, EndNote 4 Tip Sheets, comparison sheet between EndNote, Reference Manager, & ProCite, the beginning section of two great tutorials (How to Use EndNote 4: page 1 and Reference Management with EndNote 5: 1st (title page), 2nd (verso), and last page (Keyboard Shortcuts)), and the entire EndNote's "The All-In-One Solution" 5.0 trial version manual. (The full version of this manual, at over 500 pages, is available here.) For all pdf documents, I photocopy the pdf URL on their first page.

Title: Introduction to the Internet
Target Audience: University of Miami/Jackson Hospital/VA students, faculty, and staff
Institution: University of Miami libraries
Date Created: late 2001
Notes: See also: Library Orientation class above. I go over a folder of handouts, which the participants keep, and explore other areas of the Internet s/he wants to focus on. Folder contents: (left pocket) my business card, Calder Library homepage, Search Engine Features, Search Engine Features for Searchers, Search Engines & Webrings, Google, Example of limiting a Google search by country and domain (HIV websites from the Peruvian (.pe) Government (.gob) (Peru uses .gob instead of .gov), Altavista (images, video, audio features: 1, 2, 3), HotBot (advanced search features); (right pocket) Feline Reactions to Bearded Men, Consolidated Listing of Evaluation Criteria & Quality Indicators, my additional web evaluation criteria, Medlineplus, DynaMed, Martindale's Health Science Guide, Occupational Therapy: Tanya's List (Cultural Medicine and Cultural Mental Health).

Title: Library Orientation
Target Audience: University of Miami/Jackson Hospital/VA students, faculty, and staff
Institution: University of Miami libraries
Date Created: mid-2001
Notes: Participants receive the following: my business card, Overview of Library Services and Policies, Classes on Online Information Sources, proxy instructions, and printing instructions. I almost always combine this class with the "Introduction to the Internet" class (30 minutes for the orientation and 1 hour for the Internet class). The participants are told that it is a 2 hour class, but I often end early, which is especially appreciated before lunch hour. During library orientation, we tour the floors, and I showcase library services and the location of library materials. Towards the end of the library orientation, we cover the OPAC and then briefly go over the non-MEDLINE databases. I do not go into the bells and whistles, but the patron learns when to use these databases and their scope. Towards the end of the orientation, I segue into the "Introduction to the Internet" class. If, however, the patron is not taking the class, I give him Websites of Interest, which lists the URLs of the Internet class, and a printout of the Calder Library homepage.

Title: Medical Librarianship: Help save a Life!
folder labels
Target Audience: University of Miami students, college and university students, interested professionals (teachers, healthcare professionals, faculty, etc.), interested public
Institution: University of Miami libraries
Date Created: October 2, 2001
Notes: I spoke one-on-one with people interested in the wonderful medical librarianship career. Mainly, I answered questions about distance learning and the University of South Florida Library and Information Science program, and various questions about the field. A number of handouts were given in a labeled folder with brochures and printouts of the following documents: my business card, "Medical Librarianship: A Career Beyond the Cutting Edge" and other brochures, "The Value of the Hospital Library: Impact on Patient Care," "Hot Quotes: Pro-Library and Pro-Librarian Citations" which had to be copied and pasted into a Word document for readability, (access the original Quotes and References pages on MLA) "The Librarian's Role in the Provision of Consumer Health Information and Patient Education," and "Medical Librarians: Your Link to Quality Information" MLA's promotional picture (which I copied and pasted into a Word document with the header: "October is National Medical Librarians Month!"), "Code of Ethics for Health Sciences Librarianship." The other pocket of the folder had these items: a copy of a letter to the editor, (Burke L. The Need for Medical Libraries in Hospitals. New York State Journal of Medicine. 90(8):420-1, 1990 Aug. On the top of the article, I had typed: "Physician writes of the importance of medical librarians and libraries (1990).), "People Doing Science: Medical Librarian," "Tell Me Why You Stay in Medical Librarianship?" (of which the introduction was kindly translated for my by the author herself), "Veterinary Medical Libraries Section," "A Glossary of Librarian Job Titles" by Tim Wojcik, "Interested in Information? Technology? Service? Learn More About Being a Librarian (the UM career fair promo page from that event in 2001 is no longer online)," and "The Dream Career," a publicity flyer I had prepared. (I wrote a summary of the event in the Fall/Winter 2001 issue of the ALERT.) Career Fair presentation given on October 4, 2001. Additional resources added since then: Medical Librarian, Medical Librarianship: A Niche for Every Interest, Medical Librarians, Medical Librarianship, Library Careers - Advice, Statistics, Salaries, and Articles, Medical Librarians Making a Difference, The ABCs of Library Careers, Types of LIS Jobs, Librarian Job Titles, Library Job Descriptions, Kudos: Medical Librarians--All in a Day's Work (Oct. 8, 2004 patient success story on the Medlib discussion list), Featured Allied Health Profession - January 2007 - Medical Librarians: Part of the Health Care Team, Rising Stars: Profiles of Young Professionals--A Medical Librarian Serves a Unique Population, Need answers? Dedicated hospital librarian has them all April 12, 2007 �� 785 words �� ID: asb65490934 By JOSEPH SAPIA STAFF WRITER, at the Asbury Park Press; (this archived article can be purchased), Librarianship as a Career--a list of my fave resources and some job interview tips I wrote, Ashtabula's Answer Man, Librarians Share Strange Requests, and Making Medical Fact-Finding Easy, The Future of the Hospital Librarian, Vital Pathways for Hospital Librarians: Myths and Truths About Library Services, "Decreased Hospital Length of Stay Associated with Presentation of Cases at Morning Report with Librarian Support" in the October 2007 JMLA issue, Cultural Images of Librarians, The Library's Helpful Sage of the Stacks (librarian David Smith: Librarian to the Stars), Librarian: Executive Summary from the US News and World Report Best Careers 2008, Overrated Career: Medical Scientist (suggests medical librarian as an alternative career), In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update, from the New York Times (February 15, 2009), 7 Best Nonpolitical Jobs for Political Junkies, and Alumni Profile: Linda Coates, Zoo Librarian.

Title: Guest Lecture: PubMed and MEDLINEplus
Target Audience: University of South Florida library and information science graduate students
(Online Information Sources LIS 6609, taught by Dr. Cheryl Dee)
Date Created: February 4, 2001; revised February 9, 2001
Notes: My lecture demonstrated the basic features of PubMed and MEDLINEplus; this handout is additional information not covered in my lecture. The handout was given in a labeled folder with printouts of the following webdocuments: "Guidelines for Medical, Legal, and Business Responses at General Reference Desks," "The Librarian's Role in the Provision of Consumer Health Information and Patient Education," and "Code of Ethics for Health Sciences Librarianship." Also included in the folder were printouts of the homepages for PubMed, MEDLINEplus, EBSCO's Alt-HealthWatch, MD Consult, and Gold Standard Media: Clinical Pharmacology. Lecture given on February 10, 2001.

Title: Figuring out the Dewey Decimal System: Dollars and Sense
Target Audience: library volunteers and paraprofessionals new to the Dewey Decimal System
Date Created: December 31, 2000; revised January 16, 2001
Notes: This handout was published in The U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Librarian, volume 118, pages 15 and 16.

Title: How to Shelve Books in NLM or LC Order: Dollars and Sense
Target Audience: library employees new to the NLM or LC system
Date Created: December 31, 2000

My apologies: Yahoo!Geocities has lost some (but not all) of these tutorials, listed below, in cyberspace. I fortunately have hard copies, but it will take time to redo them. If you get an error saying the page is not found, that is why.

Note: Many of these files are in Word 2000 format, so you can modify and use them for your classes, just please give me credit. Due to file size constraints, each page is saved separately. Most are over 1 MB, and download time can take over 1 minute. (If downloading is extremely slow, or if you get an error message saying "Word cannot open the document..." the Yahoo!/Geocities server is busy. Try again when web traffic is slower--early morning, late at night, or on the weekend.)

Title: HealthSource Plus
page one | page two | page three | page four |
page five | page six | page seven | page eight | page nine |
Target Audience: the public (including a patron base of high school students and community college students)
Institution: Southwest Regional Broward County library
Date Created: March 12, 2001
Notes: If there is enough time in the How to Find Health Information class, instructors can go over this database as well. BCL subscribes to HealthSource Plus; BCL patrons can access it from their computer at home, too. This document is the instructor's script and can be used as a class handout.

Title: Medical Resources at SWR and Online
Target Audience: SWR librarians
Institution: Southwest Regional Broward County library
Date Created: March 7, 2001; updated April 9, 2002
Notes: Each resource is annotated with suggested reading levels, which were verified with the School Media Specialist, Ms. Karen Campion. The purpose of this handout is to assist staff librarians with medical reference. (THIS MAY BE AN EARLIER DRAFT; I WILL REVERIFY THE DATA EVENTUALLY.)

Title: Romance Resources
Target Audience: the public (including a patron base of high school students and community college students)
Institution: Southwest Regional Broward County library
Date Created: February 13, 2001
Notes: The handout was given to participants at the "Lunch with the Librarian" lecture. To boost interest and circulation, a nearby book display contained items representing the various romance sub-genres (see What Romance Do I Read Next, by Kristin Ramsdell, "Key to Story Types" section).

Title: Finding Health Information: Resources at the SWR Library
Target Audience: the public (including a patron base of high school students and community college students)
Institution: Southwest Regional Broward County library
Date Created: February 7, 2001
Notes: This handout is for participants in the How to Find Health Information class and lists some of the print and electronic resources available.

Title: How to Find Health Information: MEDLINEplus
page one | page two | page three | page four | page five |
page six | page seven | page eight | page nine | page ten |
page eleven | page twelve | page thirteen | page fourteen | page fifteen | MedlinePlus |
Target Audience: the public (including a patron base of high school students and community college students)
Institution: Southwest Regional Broward County library
Date Created: January 16, 2001
Notes: The prerequisite was basic Internet knowledge OR have at least taken the class, "Click On: Basic Computer Literacy" (and preferably "Introduction to the World Wide Web" as well.) Instead of studying this handout, instructors should learn about this resource by taking the MedlinePlus online tour from the website. This document is the instructor's script and can be used as a class handout. I hand out a printout of the MedlinePlus homepage and the bibliography, "Finding Health Information: Resources at the SWR Library." I also bring the medical texts from the bibliography so that the participants can look at them at the end of the class.

Title: Create Your Own Website: Registration (Packet 1)
page one | page two | page three | page four | page five | page six | business cards |
Target Audience: the public (including a patron base of high school students and community college students)
Institution: Southwest Regional Broward County library
Date Created: December 18, 2000; revised February 24, 2001 and March 13, 2001
Notes: Participants were given these 3 packets to be used in this 2-hour workshop. (The workshop could also be broken into two 2-hour classes.) The prerequisites were basic Internet knowledge OR have taken the classes, "Click On: Basic Computer Literacy" AND "Introduction to the World Wide Web." They also needed a valid email address and a 3 �" formatted floppy disk. The business cards, given to participants at the beginning of the session, give a sense of accomplishment and prestige, act as library p.r., and help make sure participants have this information handy if they need staff assistance at a later date. Participants should be prompted to fill out the user name and password only after both have been accepted by Yahoo!/Geocities and to write their homepage URL only after they have completed the personal homepage template. This document is the instructor's script and can be used as a class handout.

Title: Create Your Own Website: Customizing (Packet 2)
page one | page two | page three | page four |
page five | page six | page seven | Sample Website |
Target Audience: the public (including a patron base of high school students and community college students)
Institution: Southwest Regional Broward County library
Date Created: January 3, 2001
Notes: This document is the instructor's script and can be used as a class handout.

Title: Create Your Own Website: Additional Information (Packet 3)
page one | page two | page three | page four | page five | page six |
Target Audience: the public (including a patron base of high school students and community college students)
Institution: Southwest Regional Broward County library
Date Created: January 3, 2001; revised February 24, 2001 and March 13, 2001 and March 23, 2001
Notes: In this handout, students practice downloading a clipart graphic (static or animated) onto their disk and upload the image file into the "Pick Your Picture" step of the template. I have students do this step after they completely finish the template and sign out, so they can practice signing in and modifying their completed template. Before class, try to locate a free clipart site with an easy-to-read directory of image categories. Try to get a clipart site with a simple and stable URL and with few pop-up advertisements. This document is the instructor's script and can be used as a class handout.

Title: How to Access Your AOL Email From Home
Target Audience: the public (including a patron base of high school students and community college students)
Institution: Southwest Regional Broward County library
Date Created: October 29, 2000
Notes: I modified this document; an unknown Broward County librarian had originally created it.

Title: Finding Books and Journals at the HPD Library and NovaCat Tips and Tricks
Target Audience: allied health students and the public
Institution: Health Professions Division Library, Nova Southeastern University
Date Created: July 30, 2000
Notes: Print the tutorial to view it; the images display poorly on the computer screen.

Title: HPD Shelving Tutorial
Target Audience: work-study students
Institution: Health Professions Division Library, Nova Southeastern University
Date Created: July 30, 2000
Notes: This tutorial was combined by Mary Lawrence, Reference/Circulation Librarian at the HPD library, from handouts that she and I separately created.

Title: Herbal Reference Sources for Health Care Professionals
folder labels | paper | brochure | bookmark | PowerPoint handout | PowerPoint presentation |
Target Audience: health care professionals, student health care professionals, and librarians
Institution: MLIS class assignment
Date Created: July 15, 2000
Notes: These materials are designed to be handed out in a folder for an in-service. On the PowerPoint presentation, there are two embedded links on the "Results" page.

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Last Revised: December 1, 2003.
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This site � Copyright December 29, 2000, Tanya Feddern, tfeddern at med.miami.edu (substitute @ for at)

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