You know what gets to me?  These TV programs investigating the paranormal, that always have an all-purpose skeptic, and always answer the questions they pose with "you decide."  As if every unexplained phenomenon has a fifty/fifty chance of being real.  Sometimes, a question is answered to my satisfaction.  Sometimes it isn't.

Henri Poincaré once said, "To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection."  As a rational being, I tend to be more discriminating in what I choose to believe, or at least, lean toward believing.

Now, I'll throw out another web poll.  What do you believe in?  What do you believe exists?  What do you believe is true?  Base your choices on logic...  or don't...  Base them on observation, speculation, experimentation, research, hearsay or firsthand experience...  or not...  It doesn't matter, really.  In the grand scheme of things, a low grade moron has just as loud an opinion as an educated philosopher.  So this will give us a good cross-section of my readers' perspectives.  What's real?  Is anything real?  Is some of it real?  Is it possible, perchance, that...  nothing is real?

Do you believe...?
Which of the following to you really believe in?
(Feel free to check more than one.)

Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Terrestrial Intelligence

Aliens Abducting Humans (Flying Saucers, etc.)

Humans Abducting Aliens (Area 51, etc.)

The Loch Ness Monster


Sprites (Faeries, Leprechauns, etc.)


Lycanthropic Shapeshifters (Werewolves, Werepanthers, etc.)

Luck / Charms / Hexes / The Evil Eye

Vast Global Conspiracy

Paranormality Of Crop Circles

Everybody Has Psychic Ability

Somebody Has Psychic Ability (But Not Everybody)

Demons (Incubi, Succubi, etc.)

Witchcraft / Majik (Magic)

Faith Healers

Sasquatches (Bigfoot, Yeti, Yowie, etc.)


Astrology / Horoscopes

Psychokinesis / Telekinesis / Pyrokinesis

Astral Projection

Parallel Universes

General Science (Astronomy, Evolution, Quantum Mechanics, etc.)

Spontaneous Human Combustion

Time Travel (Changeability Of The Past)

Racial Profiling / Stereotypes

The Dogma Or Mythos Of Your Own Religion (God(s), Afterlife, etc. or Lack Thereof)

Hope For A Brighter Tomorrow

Web Polls

View Results

(The only conceivable flaw in the concept of majority rule is that the majority may be wrong.)



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