24-7-365 Repotioria Daily Numerous accounts of yelling "God I hate Mondays!"  Asking constantly "What day is it?  Tuesday?"  Announcing to everyone "HUMP-DAY!!"  Spending all of Thursday saying "Just today and tomorrow to go yet!"  Shouting "T.G.I.F.!"  Complaining about how short the weekend was, how bad the weather was for it, and how much worse it's expected to be next weekend. 50 years in a cell with no chalk for counting the number of days left in the sentence.
REV-13-18 Lucifer DeSaad Going on about how evil he is and worshiping Satan, when everyone knows he wouldn't hurt a fly.  Describing gory scenes from horror movies.  Telling people about ancient myths and legends and getting them wrong.  Citing video games such as "Final Fantasy" and "Castlevania" as valid sources for information.  Wishing he were a serial killer, but settling for committing lesser crimes such as littering. 10 years put in with the "real" criminals.
2-4-6-8 Junior Endzone Wearing his high-school colors twenty years after graduation.  Trash-talking strangers from other towns.  Changing the channel during an NFL game to check the local scores.  Raising his daughter to be a cheerleader. 15 years in detention.
105-F Kelvin Fahrenheit Saying "At least it's a dry heat." Death by incineration.
F-001 Militia Femme Using the word "womyn."  Trying to get people to admit that God is male, just to disagree with them.  Insisting that nobody ever accused a male of bitching.  Demanding equally exorbitant salaries for female athletes shortly after denouncing sports in general.  Wanting to walk around topless, yet disapproving of wet t-shirt contests.  Asking why they call it "feminine itching." 5 years of community service at a Middle-Eastern rape crisis center.
15-MIN Shecky Freud Attempting to pass stories of an abusive dysfunctional childhood as a stand-up comedy routine without even expressing himself in a humorous fashion. 5 years in a red brick cell plus mandatory counseling.
ASP-00 Dorky Nomedic Diagnosing himself with Asperger's Syndrome. Mandatory brain scans plus the revoking of his imaginary medical licence.
21-C Lefty Impracticalo Describing his vision for a one-world government.  Speaking in Esperanto.  Contriving increasingly complex social reforms.  Responding to questions about pressing issues with witty insults directed at politicians.  Attending protests dressed as a robot.  Petitioning to create laws protecting people's feelings.  Quoting bumper stickers. 10 years plus the impounding of his electric car.
3-14159 Brainy Moronica Telling people his I.Q. while introducing himself.  Attempting to incite a discussion on quantum mechanics with toilet paper on his shoe.  Discreetly reminding individuals how stupid everyone else is while his fly is unzipped.  Explaining why a thorough knowledge of M-theory is of greater importance than the ability to make a car payment.  Mocking people with G.E.D.s. 10 years with a cell-mate who likes to give swirlies.
6000-RPM Brawnie Notahomo Talking and laughing excessively loud.  Exaggerating grunts while lifting heavy objects.  Using the words "poon-tang."  Driving a car which is half oversized engine and half oversized stereo.  Telling people how much he can bench.  Telling other guys where they can get laid.  Bragging about the most drunk he's ever been. 20 years without hard labor.
666-666 Salem O'Pagan Explaining that all witches are correctly called "Wiccans."  Calling The Wizard of Oz anti-witch propaganda, then changing the subject when someone mentions Glinda.  Talking about the Spanish Inquisition as though it were still going on.  Quoting Alister Crowley.  Reminding everyone how peaceful humanity was before Christianity.  Reminiscing about Atlantis.  Making fun of the Pope. 13 consecutive life-sentences over the next several reincarnations.
101-PHD Poindexter Psyches Acting smug on documentaries and news reports.  Diagnosing social cliques as impromptu support groups for social outcasts.  Concluding that all forms of art and literature from any given time period are an expression of individuality which would have been suppressed in the previous time period.  Trying to divide the blame for violent criminals equally among everyone but the criminal.  Calling all historical events unique, and then producing the exact same analysis for every event. 5 years plus a gag order pertaining to his analysis of his sentence.
1-0-1 Malcom Oreo Calling intelligence tests racist because minorities aren't as intelligent.  Accusing blacks who use proper grammar of being sell-outs.  Objecting to the word "chocolate" while approving of the word "mahogany." 15 years plus mandatory skin-bleaching.
2-3-4 Jackie Rejoker Turning on lights and saying, "Let's shed some light on the subject."  Almost bumping into people in hallways and saying, "Shall we dance?"  Saying "you're welcome" when someone says "tanks" or "Sanka."  Saying "Bless you" when someone says "a Jew."  Saying "Shocking experience?" when someone receives a shock.  Saying "Sticky situation," when something is sticky.  Incorporating movie lines into conversation. Rimshot at dawn.
SUX-1701 Lucas Roddenbasher Obsessing over anything science fiction or cult-related and hating it.  Spoiling the endings to movies prior to their release.  Talking incessantly about William Shatner's toupee.  Pointing out special effect errors in the Matrix.  Attempting to assassinate Jar-Jar Binks. 30 years making license plates which start with the letters "NCC."
00000 Pussy Soundbiter Regurgitating advice without taking it.  Reciting all the reasons why her boyfriend is a jerk, and then not dumping him.  Using clever women's lib catch-phrases, but only when no men are listening.  Wearing t-shirts that say "bitch" while behaving in a generally wimpy manner. 20 years in a cell with imaginary bars.
J-3-16 Jebediah Thumper Confirming other people's statements by saying that they're in the Bible.  Pointing out signs of the Apocalypse in the news.  Basing conclusions on the specific wording of the vernacular only.  Trying to re-explain evolution in a way that coincides with the first two chapters of Genesis.  Having a fish on his car. 250 years in Purgatory.
0-CAL Veega Tofurkison Getting consistently angry at the fact that meat is still considered food.  Describing in gory detail the process of slaughtering animals as well as the long list of toxic and disgusting things found in beef, pork and venison.  Eating chicken. Life without the possibility of flavor.
M-M Tupac Vanilla Being white; acting black.  Being a thugged-out suburbanite. Slavery.
69-69-69 Slutty Webcrawler Signing up for more than five hundred Yahoo profiles.  Sending spam e-mails with defective unsubscribe links.  Joining too many interest groups.  Deliberately misspelling words to fool the porn-blocker software.  Owning multiple web-pages with nothing but links to web-cam networks. 10 years plus the confiscation of her breast implants and hair bleach.

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