Evolution never stops.  The future of humanity depends on what sort of people are going to continue to thrive, and what sort of  people are going to become the omega humans -- to be out-evolved -- to fade into genetic obscurity.  Who among us is homo superior, and who among us is creating a drag on the development of our species.  I have composed a simple test to see whether your are from the deep or shallow end of the gene pool, and based on this, whether or not it would be advisable for you to breed and contribute your DNA to future generations.  Start with zero points, and add or subtract accordingly.  If you are already confused because you cannot understand negative integers, subtract thirty points already.  (Note:  This test is for entertainment purposes only.  If you didn't already know that, subtract another twelve.)


If you recognized that the above graphic is a strand of DNA and not just a pretty design...
If you have ever appeared on Jeopardy...
If you have ever appeared on Cops...
If you ever tried to use two coupons on one item...
If you know the capital of the state or provence in which you live...
If you have ever tried to soft-boil an egg in a microwave...
If you have a high-school diploma or GED...
If you have ever asked a psychic for a second opinion...
If you are a psychic (and not just in isolated incidents)...
If you can juggle...
If you have never been to an art museum...
If you can type without staring at the keyboard...
If you can speak more than two languages...
If you think pig latin counts as one of those languages...
If you have ever thrown a wet article of clothing over a radiator to dry and monitored the situation closely and without incident...
If you have ever thrown a wet article of clothing over a radiator to dry and failed to monitor the situation, thus causing a permanent burn mark...
If you have ever thrown an article of clothing over a radiator and caused a raging fire...
If you know the words to any song written before your time...
If you can solve a Rubik's Cube without guessing...
If you believe that Dinosaurs did not exist...
If you have a working knowledge of algebra...
If you use complete words and sentences in e-mails as opposed to acronyms and sentence fragments...
If you've ever taken more than thirty minutes to find Waldo...
If you can name at least three subatomic particles...
If you can name at least three places where Elvis has been sighted recently...
If you have ever used the words "esoteric," "iambic" or "Machiavellian" in a sentence...
If you have ever organized a petition...
If that petition was dedicated to the creation of a redundant law or amendment...
If you believe that the nations of the world can and will live in peace one day...
If you believe that peace will be a direct result of forming one vast global government...
If you have an infallible plan to merge the nations of the world, while saving our environment in one sweep...
If your purse or wallet contains a library card...
If you have ever misaligned the buttons on your shirt, and decided not to bother correcting it...
If you alternate capital and lowercase letters or substitute dollar signs for S's because you think it makes your typing "pop" more...
If you use big words, but don't do it on purpose...
If you use big words on purpose to show off how smart you are...
If you object to the previous item on the list because you think that you should get credit just for being capable of appearing smarter than your friends...
If you enjoy listening to more than three different styles of music...
If you talk in a theater during the show...
If you have ever answered your cell phone in a theater during the show...
If you turn your phone off before entering the theater...
If you have at this point lost track of how many points you have...
If you wash your hands before coming out of a rest room...
If not...
If you think the above item is a little harsh...
If you have never been arrested or charged with something other than a traffic violation...
If you think that game shows, documentaries and variations on The Bachelor fall into the same "reality TV" category...
If you are a fan of The Man Show...
If you can cook a meal from scratch...
If you think professional wrestling is real...
If you feel the need to repeatedly point out that wrestling is not real...
If you can name more than four current world leaders...
If you can name more than ten nation's capitals...
If you sent away for the "Girls Gone Wild" video...
If you are one of the people listed on my Coolest Person Ever or my Runners-Up List...
If you are Howard Stern...
If you have won a Nobel Prize...
If you have ever put a stamp on an envelope which says "no postage necessary..."
If you have ever thrown a red item into your white load of laundry...
If you have ever changed a flat tire...
If you ever put your tongue on a battery, got a shock, and then tried it again...
If you tip over fifteen percent...
If you have ever politically corrected someone...
If you have ever laughed out loud at one of Shakespeare's jokes...
If you have a "perfect system" for gambling...
If you have a "perfect pick-up line..."
If you know karate or another martial art...
If you can dance...
If you believe tabloid stories...
If you have written a book...
If you have read a book...
If you frequently use the excuse "I didn't mean to, but I was drunk..."
If you play a sport well...
If you click on porn site links because you think they're going to lead to something other than more links...
If you have ever passed along an e-mail or regular mail chain letter...
If you own a tuxedo...
If you are able to fold a fitted sheet...
If you believe that imitating cool people makes you also cool...
If you have ever tried to catch a fast-moving object in your teeth, resulting in a broken tooth...
If you own from two to ten pairs of shoes...
If you own more than ten pairs of shoes...
If you have ever pulled a shirt from the hamper and worn it...
If you do not own or use a hamper in the first place...
If you have ever watched a nature show from the beginning...
If you can fit your whole fist in your mouth...
If you can't get it out...
If you have ever set yourself on fire because you were bored and you thought the fire wouldn't catch anyway...
If your political affiliation is neither Democratic nor Republican...
If you still say mnemonic nursery rhymes while tying your shoelaces...
If you are a supermodel...
If you are a model, but not super...
If you sniff glue...
If you have ever been a screenwriter for a Disney movie...
If you can drive a manual transmission...
If you watch the Jerry Springer Show...
If you tape the Jerry Springer Show...
If you own the Jerry Springer "Too Hot For TV" video...
If you've ever been a guest on the Jerry Springer Show...
If you are Jerry Springer...

>10,000 You are a suitable candidate for cloning.
100...10,000 By all means, have a family.  Raise them well.
-99...99 Hang in there.  We may need you as an alternate.
-10,000...-100 Hopefully, you have been spayed or neutered.
<-10,000 You are the weakest link.  Good bye.

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