You are traveling through the stars when you come upon a wormhole.  You pass through, trying to reach the secrets on the other side, but you find yourself diverted into another place.  You are onboard the station of the Citizens of the Galaxy.  You speak to a man who calls himself an Emperor, and he tells you that the place in which you are is filled with hidden surprises, so you begin searching.  You visit other realms all in search of several "secret words," and when you find them, you will know that you have found the last of the surprises.  As you travel through the different realms, you eventually come up on the Realms of Insanity, and far away in the mountains of that realm, you find a temple -- the Temple of Fire!  You enter to find the place inhabitted by entities called the "Fire Wraiths," and they appear to be blocking your ability to see, as if keeping you from something.  You fight them off with your arrows.  As you search the temple, you find a scroll which gives you the clues to the locations of the ten secret words hidden by the Emperor.  "The first word gives off a shower of sparks.  The second is protected by fire, earth and air.  The third is a question.  The fourth is where all the hidden places come together.  The fifth is at the other end of the wormhole, hidden by one of three pools of water.  The sixth is an answer.  The seventh is a laugh.  The eight is a smile.  The nineth is for only the stupid.  The tenth is guarded by two strange creatures and a fleet of war ships."  Now that you have the clues, you turn to leave.  You wonder if the Emperor could have been any more vague.  And then you realize...  yes, he could have.

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