SAY "NO" TO *****!
(I covered up the word "drugs" to avoid accidentally sounding like I'm promoting drugs.)

1890's Marijuana is so safe that it isn't even really considered a drug.  Hemp is a widely grown resource for the textile industry.  Cocaine is medicinal.  Tobacco is safe.  Some are starting to wonder if drug-use causes memory loss.
1900's Opium is dangerous.  Maybe also caffeine and heroin.  Cocaine (a black man's drug) makes black people strong and possibly bulletproof, and therefor must be outlawed.
1910's Opium, heroin and cocaine are outlawed.  Caffeine is acceptable.  Coca-cola has to rethink its ingredients.
1920's Alcohol is outlawed.  Marijuana?  Never heard of it.
1930's Hemp is extremely dangerous competition for cotton, and must be outlawed.  Smoking marijuana is thrown out as an unfortunate side-effect.  We changed our minds and brought alcohol back.
1940's Cocaine is popular and elegant.  Some are starting to wonder if drug-use causes memory loss.
1950's Marijuana causes homicidal behavior and is more addictive than any other drug.  Cocaine's not THAT bad.  It has just come out that tobacco is deadly.
1960's Marijuana leads to harder drugs.  Those drugs are cocaine, heroin, LSD, uppers, downers, psychedelic mushrooms and a wide range of other drugs too numerous to mention.  Alcohol and tobacco are insignificant and safe -- that's why they're legal.
1970's Uppers and downers are popular.  Caffeine pills are dangerous.  Cocaine is definitely dangerous.  It has just come out that tobacco is deadly.  Marijuana is mild and not addictive.
1980's A new drug is invented called "cocaine."  AIDS-infected needles leads to a decrease in the popularity of heroin.  It has just come out that tobacco is deadly.  Some are starting to wonder if drug-use causes memory loss.
1990's Marijuana is safe.  Despite its having been outlawed to stop people from smoking it, it is now known that hemp can be used in textiles, which may lead to legalization.  Caffeine pills are medicinal.  Ecstasy is deadly, but popular.  Crack is just like cocaine only stronger, requiring stricter laws.  Tobacco is EVIL and so are those who sell or use it!  Also, they lied to us, because only now have we learned that tobacco is deadly.
2000's Marijuana is sold in order to fund international terrorist organizations.  Strict laws on crack are a ruse to get more black people arrested, unlike cocaine, which is a white man's drug.  A new theory has been presented about drug-use.  It MAY affect the memory.

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