Trailer Rundown
Sadly a clear copy of the Clue Trailer cannot be found on the internet. For those of you who are luck enough to own the Dvd you know the trailer is the only one of the special feature. Here is just a general Summary of the trailer.
Every person in this room has a perfect motive...for murder.
But only one of these suspects is the murderer.
   Or the militant Colonel Mustard
Is it the timid Mr. Green
Miss White who helped her husband on his way
Miss Scarlet whos helped many men along the way.
Professor Plum whose looking for a way.                   Mrs. Peacock?
Paramount Pictures invites you to an evening of mystery....
         Or did the butler do it?
                  And madness...
In a movie that makes a scene of the crime Clue it not just a game...anymore
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