Deleted Scenes and other Tidbits
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The photo on the left is from a deleted bit in the study scene when Peacock is slapped by Green. Originally, Yvette would start screaming in the next room, then Green would start screaming. Mustard would slap Green and ask him why he was screaming, Green's response being because he was firghtened of screaming. then Yvette would scream some more and they would all run to her.
This small delete bit was during the scene where they lift the bodies into the study. Professor Plum's line were "I'm looking I'm looking."
This scene from the trailer is a extra pile up downstairs that is not included in the movie. Notice the faces of the people as they aren't cast members but body doubles. Click for larger look.
This scene is from the actual movie. Its the scene when Yvette, Wadsworth, Miss White, and Mr. Green pile up on the upper level of the house. Look very closely at the faces (Click for larger look) notice that it doesn't look like the Clue actors but its body doubles filling in for the actors.
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