Shirt Front



       Shirt Back


T-shirt Information

This is a limited shirt and all orders must be placed, via email by 

July 2, 2003 to receive it before the July 22, Toronto Concert.

Claynadian T-shirts will be available for order until 

August 15, 2003.

T-shirts are white & cost $22.00 each. 

Please add $8.00 for shipping and handling charges.

Sizes available: 




    To purchase a shirt please do the following:


1.Click on the PayPal button below


If you don't have PayPal, sign up here: It's easy!

2.Please click below for all of your information:





This will provide me with your

 name, address, shirt size and the number of shirts ordered.





To make a much appreciated donation: 

Click on the PayPal button below!



For any inquires please email: 


Monies from each t-shirt sold will be donated to the Canadian Autism Society, in the name of
Clay Aiken and Claynadians.

A T-shirt and full report will be sent to the 

representatives of Clay Aiken.



Please remember...

The more t-shirts that are ordered, 

the larger the donation!!!!

We appreciate your support this worthwhile project.

All designs are copyrighted and may not re-produced.

Look...another chance!  It's for a great cause!  


And once again, thanks for your support !


Veronica Shortland


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