

This is my first feeble attempt at a web page and, thus, is under construction - a project moving very slowly with no completion date in sight. (minor revisions January, 2005)

My name is Mike and I live on the beautiful island of Kodiak in the Gulf of Alaska. I am the chairperson of the Kodiak High School English Department where I have taught Language Arts since 1987. I manage to find many things to keep me busy including fly fishing, sea kayaking, telemark skiing, mountaineering, hosting a progressive rock radio show on our local public radio stationKMXT, and serving on our Borough Parks and Recreation committee.

Here's the page for my progressive music radio show

FreeForm Radio.

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Click to join FreeFormRadio

From April to December, I am an avid fly fisherman and I spend much of my winter tying flies. I've built one fly rod (a 9 wt 4-piece for King salmon fishing) and hope to continue improving my rod building skills.

I am very active in the fight against the government funding and continual subsidizing of the Kodiak Launch Complex, serving as a spokesman for the Kodiak Rocket Launch Information Group (KRLIG). At this time, the KLC has received over 50 million dollars in state and federal funding; its only launch contracts have been with the USAF, the Army, and NASA - clearly, this project is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on government handouts. AADC's main sugar daddy is Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, who is so paranoid that North Korea might launch a missile at Alaska that he will send millions in order to sleep soundly (on those rare occasions when he actually sleeps in Alaska). AADC has finally launched a rocket, but it was part of yet another spectacular failed test of Missile Defense! The failed test cost taxpayers 85 million dollars!

Another of my hobbies was music trading - exchanging copies of live concerts with other folks.If you're interested, check out a partial list of my live shows. Due to my very busy work schedule, I am not actively trading at this time.

I'm also a part-time musician. I play bass in a local blues band, the "Bullhead Blues Band". (Sorry, no BBB web page yet) We are available for gigs anywhere in the world.In 1999, I played electric bass in a community production of "Grease" - it was my first time following a written score and proved to be a formidable challenge to my musical abilities.

My wife is a folk musician and her band Waterbound has released three recordings of original music. For more information on their releases, contact Waterbound

I've been a fan of progressive rock music for about 30 years. I cut my teeth on bands like King Crimson , Yes , Pink Floyd , and Genesis (with Peter Gabriel). Currently I am listening to two bands from England that are very talented and not very well known in the United States:Porcupine Tree and Ozric Tentacles.

To view a list of progressive rock recordings from around the world that I've collected over the past 30 years - click HERE

LPs and CDs and rare cassettes for sale or trade (A-J) are HERE. and K-Z are here

And I've just put together a master list of all the non-classical cds I own. If you're curious, go here.

All of these cds are for sale.

Check out the Kodiak Gray Whale Project

Protect Ya Tings!

Here are a few of my photographs

Just like every other dweeb on the net, I've got a list of links. I never check them, so some may be dead.

Feel free to send me a message, if you'd like.

Click for Kodiak, Alaska Forecast

Right now, you are this number: Counter, not a name.

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