My Sisters
You 2 came into my life in such a way as to seem like a double delivery. *which I'm sure Mom wouldn't care to think about*� What a joyous blessing the 2 of you are to me *smile*....and we are just beginning hugggggggggggs.
Sierra...the busy little bee...the contiplative thinker with a laugh that fills not only the house but the heart. A child of and laughter.
A bit of an Imp...finding� Moms ticklish spot ...but really more the serious type. And thats good...because her Brother and Sister need her teachings on that yes Sierra you are a teacher and we will learn much from you. You bring sunshine to us and to all you meet if they are just willing to look *smile*.
Tia...the *sometimes* prickly little imp with the quick smile and the twinkle in the eyes...but at times a sharp little tongue as well ....but laughter too *smile*.
What a little tornado you are....and with such a mind of your own. You know what you want and you want to have it too...but also just ornery enough to have to argue no matter what. A very quick thinker just follow your heart and let it shine right through to all around you. So quick to give a kiss or a hug because you know what that gift truely is. Very strong about the truth of things you are.
My 2 Sisters please always KNOW that I KNOW just what a blessing the 2 of you are. Great Spirit truely gifted me the day you came into my life...what a gift *smile*....what a gift each of you are. As long as I walk this earth will have me wrapped around your little fingers...I might not always let you see that...but it will always be the truth. I love you both.......your Brother.
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