No Productivity (NOPDY) :: Where Productiveness is a Nada. Wasting Time Since Mid-Year 2005.
Woot. You've reached No Productivity. Splendid. Woot. NOPDY: Wasting Time Since Mid 2005.


No Productivity or NOPDY is a waste of time. My time. If you're reading this, you're probably wasting time too. Your time. Of course, if you're like me and have got time, we're good. I've got time, really, I do have time. That's why I'm wasting my time with the time I've got to put time into this time-wasting page. Enjoy yourself...really.

I'm going to be putting up a Reviews and Article page soon. Woot. Nothing much in particular. Just Rants and Raves and time-wasting things like that.

I'm sick of seeing how many Invites I've got when I open my Gmail account. Please email me and I'll probably through 3 in your face. Isn't I cool?
(For all you little Kiddies who are reading this, don't use that grammar in front of your teacher, you'll probably get an hour-and-a-half lecture about some sea-faring old pirate who used to use that sort of...grammar...language...thing.)

W00rtz, W00rtz, I h4te L33t.
(I just HAD to throw that in. For all you people that actually have something to do and are amused by my typings, that means "Woot Woot, I hate Leet". If you have no clue of what Leet is...well than...I lost you.)

This is a 'Blog', isn't it? Tis narry farther from one than a mouse from a mousepad.
(I can't believe I just typed that.)

Make me Graphics. Photo Shop and Image Ready. I need Graphics. A banner that says NOPDY on it. Make it cool. Thanks. Email me when you're done. As a Slogan, put Where Productiveness is a Nada. For a Sub Text, put Wasting time since Mid 2005. Thanks.

Productiveness is a Nada on this page.

I've made so many websites in my lifetime. This Geocities page, I decided would be plain and simple. Shibby, just Shibby.

Wanna be affiliates with me or something? SWEETAGENESS. Email me about it. Talk to me. Let me know what your site is...about.

Are you actually reading this?
Yeah, you're scanning through it, looking for a word that catches your attention. A word that catches your attention like.......never mind.

Who said, "Time is of the essence"??!!

Geocities is so awesome. Woot. Not really but hey, they're actually letting their bandwidth or whatever it's called, go to waste.


I still remember that from a 'Bill Nye, The Science Guy' Video I saw in 6th grade or something like that.

Visit Affiliates Below - If you do, I promise you'll get SOMETHING out of it, I PROMISE!

2005 (c) Content. No Productivity / NOPDY :: All Rights Reserved 1

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