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Photo Gallery, Teaneck N.J





     NOPCAS is a 501c (3) organization founded by three African-American suicide survivors. Its goals are to bring suicide and depression awareness to minority communities that have historically been discounted from traditional awareness programs.

     According to the Surgeon General's 1999 report on suicide, the rate of suicide among African-American males increased 105% between 1980 and 1996. Our conference is crucial to bringing recognition to the fact that suicide among African-Americans is an escalating societal problem that must be addressed.

     In accordance with the Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent Suicide, our objectives will be to:

· Educate those who work in the field of counseling and education
· Provide insight on depression and other brain disorders
· Share feelings and methods of coping with survivors
· Educate bereaved family members and friends
· Educate those who work with young adults on a daily basis
· Share information on suicide prevention and intervention
· Convey a message of hope

NOPCAS Founders (L to R) Doris Smith, Donna Barnes, Les Franklin

   We will be holding our third annual Survivors of Suicide conference on February 4-5, 2000 at the City College of New York in Manhattan in conjunction with CCNY's Division of Student Affairs. For more information please view our conference package.




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