<BGSOUND SRC="NewFoundGlory-HitOrMiss.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
History of a NooDLe!
Noodle was formed in early 2003.  This newly formed punk band was anxious to get on its feet.  Noodle started out consisting of James, Trung, and Zac.  James was already an experienced bassist, but Zac and Trung started to both learn guitar and drums.  Later, after a few practices where they realized they couldn't sing, they brought in Michael.  Michael started to sing which brought in a cool new sound.  Now Noodle needed to practice, so they practiced, still sucking, but persistantly they practiced to where they are today...so now they have their very own song and played it at the Evergreen Talent show...and they got 3rd place too! Woot woot!...the song will be on here later on...as long as pics too!
Sign the GUESTBOOK!!!
Now playing:

New Found Glory

Hit or Miss
Noodle Attempts to Make a Logo...  Heres How it Turned Out...
James - Bassist
Michael - Lyricist
Trung - Drums/Guitar
Zac - Guitar/Drums
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