
This site is now defunct.  I will no longer update it.  I've decided to move on to bigger and better things.   I will leave these items for posterity and I recompiled the Asteroids and Tetris applets to run better on Windows XP.  These images look odd because they're stretched.  These applets all run best with Java JRE 1.4.2 installed.  Watch out for Java and JIT'ed code, its the wave of the future.

Java Gamedev
Java Gamedev Tutorial

This is a tutorial that covers the basics of Java gamedev.  Its older and the techniques it covers are out of date.  Programming Java 1.1 Applets is covered using AWT.  The example applet is a simple walkaround demo for a console style rpg.  Source code is included.


The classic pong.  This was included in a tutorial by a fellow named Adam King.  You can find his tutorials here and the code to game here.

Union Jack

This is a game I entered in the Ludum Dare 48 hour gamedev contest.


This is an attempt at remaking a classic game.


Tetris, the game play isn't quiet complete but you can play it.

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