Ms. DuVall
English I
Madison High
    Welcome to English I, where you should find learning enjoyable, as well as useful.  Our focus is on reading, vocabulary enrichment,, literary analysis, discussion, and writing.  Your commitment to growth will determine your success.
     Please use the tools supplied  here.  They will enhance your learning process. Each of you must take this course seriously,  as it is the foundation for future communication in later classes, college, and life.  You might enjoy knocking the top out of the state EOC exam at the end of the semester as well....
       If you run into problems, come to me immediately, as they tend to grow larger with time.
     For this class, I have created pages with valuable resources, as well as schedules linked to the
Resources and Classes page. Feel free to email me with questions and concerns.

I also invite parents to explore these pages. Feel free to
contact me at the email address below with your own questions and concerns. You may also check occasionally for the current assignments and projects in the works. As a mother, I well know how those things can slip up on families. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share them. Learning is easier when done in socialization with others; therefore, it will take all of us working together to ensure your student's success.
Resources and Classes
Literary Term Project
More Links and Resources
MHS Contacts
"We don�t need more money, we don�t need greater success or fame, we don�t need the perfect body or even the perfect mate. Right now, at this very moment, we have a mind, which is all the basic equipment we need to achieve complete happiness."
Dalai Lama
Spiritual Leader of Tibet
Suzanne DuVall
[email protected]
Assignments Links
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