Get Your Bush Moon Cards


This is how to print them out.

The links below are for the front and back of the cards. You will need the Adobe Acrobat reader. If you're not sure or know you don't have it go here to download the program.

Acrobat Reader

Now you need to download the formatted page for printing. Each page will fit into an Avery Business card, 10 cards to a page. Print the front (first link below), then turn your pages over (right to left) then print the reverse side. Voila, your cards are done. An alternative to the rather expensive Avery Card Stockis to use regular paper and cut them out yourself. I use 110lb card stock paper ($5 for 150 sheets) then cut them out on a paper cutter. Paper cutters are cheap too- around $15. You can download the files directly to your machine from these links as well by right clicking on the link and selecting "save target as".

Now Let's Move on to the subject of Moon ally and fellow CNP member, Tim LaHaye, author of the insipid preparation of the sheeple for the "end times".

Download these at the links below

Take 'em out and stick 'em under windshields at fundy churches. Take 'em to Wal-Mart and stick 'em in all the right wing gas bag books and all the "Left Behind" books- all the "inspirational" books. Remember Bush is in office because of the support of the right wing fundies. If we can shave off some of his support from that quarter, we wound him, perhaps irreversibly. Planting doubts in the minds of the sheep about the true agenda of this "born-again" pResident should be a part of any strategy to dethrone this corporatist, theocratic regime.

Now that you have your cards- time to download your own copy of the exhaustively researched. . .


go here:





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