Some of our life is dictated by, for lack of a better term, fate. You don’t get to choose the date you were born, your race, your country of origin... you get the idea. The only people you meet in your lifetime are those who just happen to be ‘at the right place, at the right time’.

How many countless billions of people are out there that you will never meet? How many more died before you were born? How many are yet to come after you die? And if you wanted to take it a step further: What about people (I’ll use the term loosely) on other planets, other galaxies, alternate dimensions... how many of those countless people will you never meet or even know they ever existed?

Even though we interact with only a tiniest fraction of the total population, we do manage to meet those who make our lives happy. We even manage to fall in love once in a while. Still, people who search for the ‘right’ person ultimately have to choose one of the people that pass through their lives.

Now suppose you could change the odds. Suppose you could give fate a swift kick in the butt and meet anyone, anywhere... past, present, or future? Who would you want to meet? Benjamin Franklin? Julius Caesar? Madonna? Moses? Aliens? What if you could actually meet that one person who you knew without a shadow of a doubt was absolutely, positively, and literally perfect for you?

Who wouldn’t?

Would you still want to meet them if they weren’t human?

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