Thursday: I think I've been banned by the much so for all my efforts.

Thursday (day end...7:12 pm): that girl who borrowed (took) money from me.......well she called up said I was Really sweet and asked if I was free this Sunday. We met. Had a great dinner, she borrowed some more money and left, boy, this is one heck of a girl, I think she really likes me

Friday (6: am): saw 'big' again.....this time I noticed the mole just above Tom Hanks left ear.

Saturday (): flunked in my physics exam, may be debarred from access from the lab. the dumb professor thinks I    don�t know the subject. Wait until I break it big.

Sunday (morn) :Bought my first computer......the "acorn classic".......great features, works on BASIC, black   and white monitor, colored key board, Game slot ,no games. The sales girl told me I was getting a good buy so i    bought it. he borrowed some money from me

monday : the neighbor boy, alec , called me for football, nice kid. Funny he made me get the ball each time it went out of the field. He feels it'll improve my game greatly...lets hope he knows better. Mother quit    smoking.
   brb.....some one at the door

   hi.....I'm back, mail man.....he never gets mail, just bugs me my ringing my bell.

tuesday(lunch break) :a girl asked me for directions to the library.
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