YL Newsletter

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YL Camp 2001– The group that flew into Nashville the summer of 2001 was the most culturally diverse yet. They represented Sri Lanka, the Philippines, England, Singapore, and Australia as well as Americans who joined 350 other teens from all over.

After a week of fun, chaos, fellowship, and hearing about Christ, they went home forever changed. Some made formal commitments to Jesus. Others renewed old relationships with Christ, while the rest walked away asking questions about their lives they had never considered before. All had encountered the love of their creator and what He did and does for them

Year’s Start— As usual, Young Life began the year running at top speed. Here are some of the things the ministry did during the first semester:

Organized an art contest among the schools

Hosted three dance parties with DJs

Held two pancake brunches (high & middle school)

Had an all-day picnic

Sponsored & refereed a volleyball tournament

Held two fundraisers

Hosted an all-night New Year’s Eve movie marathon

Organizing an Ice skating party

All that is in addition to weekly Clubs, two Bible study groups, and middle/high school contact work. Whew!

Team Singapore– The ministry team welcomes Carrie Rose from Houston, TX. She is taking a semester off from Baylor to work for God here in the international schools. She will also be heading up the Wyldlife (middle school) part of the ministry.

Volunteer Spotlight—

Rebecca Gagnon is a busy woman. Mother of two, she also organizes countless events for the American Women’s Association and other groups. She also has an incredible heart for God and teenagers. She’s an active leader at Club and Girls’ Campaigners. Rebecca also serves on the Young Life committee and co-chaired the fundraising this year. God blessed the ministry here in an incredible way when He brought this gifted woman into the fold.

We are also saying goodbye to two great volunteers: Joe Bevash and James Chou. Both these guys are spreading the wealth by moving to other parts of the world. They will be missed…

Giving Opportunities– We have only been able to raise 25% of this year’s budget so if you feel led to help, please make U.S. $ checks payable to:

Young Life X886

Please make Singapore $ checks payable to:

Singapore Youth for Christ

Patti’s Perspective- What began as a "minimum 2 yr. commitment" is now moving into year four overseas...longer than expected. The odd thing is, I think I am only now BEGINNING to understand the nature of this calling. God has brought us here into the deep water and is teaching us how to swim- using His power instead of our own. Maybe that's the curse of self-reliance, I tend to turn to God after I have royally messed things up using my own unique gift of doing so.

I know we all have our good days and bad days, of wondering if we are being used of God , or merely retracing the steps of lessons we should have learned long ago. Then we get to be part of God reaching out to a teenager... a talk with a high school friend about why, despite her being a beautiful swan, she sees herself as an ugly duckling...discussions about why Jesus seems to "offend" so many people, while other religions here seem to be so accepted.

These times of feeling useful are interspersed with moments of counting the cost...of being so far from family and friends,...of being so different from expats who live here because of business or military or whatever... Of being "too religious" for most and "not evangelical enough" for the religious...of having few adult friends.... of balancing home life with ministry....

Please pray for us. The longer we are away from the U.S., the more we wonder where we belong. We love what we do and are confident that God has us here, but we all have our moments...

Know that we miss you and we love you. That has not changed.

Chapel’s Corner- “Can’t he go back in Mommy’s tummy”, I said when I found out that little baby was staying home with us. I’ve been the center of the universe for four year and now I have to share. He is kind of adorable though. Maybe he’ll make a decent toy...

Dylan’s Dungeon– Hi, for you that haven’t met me yet, I’m Dylan. Even though I’m only seven months old, I’ve learned a lot already. My sister thinks my head is removable, girls think my two teeth are cute, I produce two liters of drool per minute, and people like it when I’m loud in church.. Now if I can only get this whole crawling thing figured out!

Prayer Requests– There are quite a few this semester. 1) Volunteer leaders to become a part of teens’ lives here. 2) That God raises the funding necessary to continue the mission here. 3) That Cathy finds the place God wants her to be for the next step on her walk with Him. 4) Safe travel for those people leaving Singapore this semester. 5) More people would find out about Young Life and want to be a part of the ministry. 6) The hearts of teens be open to hearing the greatest story on Earth. 7) Continued health, energy, and strength for His servants.


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