
There was 4 monkeys, trying to get to a banana tied to the top of a cage. In order to get to it they must first climb aboard a chair located in the center of the cage. Everytime a monkey climb on the chair, water is spray onto it till it gives up trying to get to the banana. This was done untill all the monkeys knew they can't get to the banana.

A new monkey was then substitute with one of the monkey in the cage. As bananas are monkeys' favourite food it was natural that the new monkey tried to grab the one tied to the center of the cage. Since the 3 old monkeys knew that there are going to get wet and there is no way in getting the banana, everytime the new monkey went for it. the old monkeys prevented it from doing so by bashing it up as they wanted the new monkey to know there is no point in doing so. This went on until the new monkey reliase that the banana was not accessible to as the rest of the monkeys keep bashing it up whenever it tried to get to the banana.

So the new monkey sat down, gave up and kept quiet thinking that there is no possible way to get to the banana since the rest kept bashing it up.

Eventually, all the old monkeys were substituted with new ones. And everytime a new monkey went in, the senior monkeys taught it not to go near the banana by 'bashing' it up. Soon, it became clear to all the new monkeys in the cage that the banana was not the best deal in the cage..... without really knowing the reason for it.

Moral of the story:
As progresses continues, deceptions turns to policies and continues on......
14th Dec 2000
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