Here you will find some quotes and comments from Nolan on a variety of subjects. Due to the fact that I did not keep entire magazines in some instances, there is no date known for when this quote was given or the date is approximate. If anyone knows any of the exact dates, please email the webmaster.

On the Quartermaine Residency (Soap Opera Weekly, from approx. mid-1998): "We were talking about it one day at lunch -- Julie Pinson and Michael Dietz and Rib Hillis (Eve, Joe and Jake). For a half-hour, a conversation went on about why Joe should get it. When someone said 'What about Eve?' I turned to Julie and said, 'Yeah, but you used to be a hoooker. So what are you going to do for the 50 grand?' And then I stopped for a minute and I was like, 'Do you realize we're talking about a fictional award?' Everybody looked at each other and started laughing. It's not a real award. It's not like I'm going to be calling my mom going, 'Yeah, I got the Quartermaine!' Now if Nolan North got 50 grand . . . ."

On Clowns, Having to Dress as a Clown, and the reaction of his Fellow Castmates (Soaps In Depth, date unknown): "I don't like clowns. I'm not kidding. They've always terrified me. Everyone thinks it's a joke. They bought me Pez dispensers with clown heads!"

On his most embarassing moment (Soaps In Depth, 6-30-98): "In college, I dislocated my shoulder lifting weights, and it popped right out of the joint. I went up to a wall and tried to pop it back in like Mel Gibson did in Lethal Weapon. I passed out unconscious because it hurt so bad. I slammed it against a wall and just saw black! That's where life imitated art and it didn't work."

On South Park's Revelation of "Who's Cartman's Father?" (Soap Opera Digest -- date unknown): (Note: It was revealed that Cartman's mother was a hermaphrodite, and therefore was her own son's father as well.) "Those guys are so twisted. I don't even think my mind is that twisted to come up with something like that. I was so disappointed in that episode. I thought maybe Cartman was a conglomeration of the whole town, because everybody had been with his mother. I would've had Mephisto's little sidekick, Kevin, as the father. After all, anything would work on that show."

On telling his mom he got the job on Port Charles (Soap Opera Digest -- approx. mid-1998): "I called my mom when I got this job and said, 'Now I can quit the restaurant.' And she said, 'Can't you work there on weekends?' Can you imagine? 'Aren't you Dr. Ramsey?' 'Yes. Would you like more zucchini bread with dinner?'"

On his eyebrows (Soap Opera Digest -- approx. mid-1998): "I do not have trademark eyebrows. They just have a life of their own."

On former co-star Debbi Morgan [ex-Ellen](Soap Opera Digest -- approx. mid-1998): "There's an unfair stigma that daytime actors can't act. Thank God for Debbi Morgan. She was brilliant in Eve's Bayou. Debbie doesn't know this, but I watch her work. She's an inspiration, and should be to every actor starting out."

On Chris' love life (Soap Opera Digest -- approx. mid-1998): "So far, everyone who's slept with Chris has moved. Nicole left town. Remember the flight attendant? Buy-bye. Thank goodness, Lisa Ann Hadley [Julie] and Julie Pinson [Eve] didn't jump in the sack with me, or they'd be looking for work."

On playing a doctor on TV (Soap Opera Digest -- approx. mid-1998): "God forbid some guy should have a heart attack and someone recognizes me and says, 'He's a doctor!' That man would surely die."

On his first week on the job at Port Charles (Soap Opera Digest -- approx. mid-1998): "My first week on the job, I was asked to get Tony Geary's [Luke, GH] autograph for a friend. Yeah, I'm going to walk over to Tony Geary and say, 'Hi. I'm nobody. Nobody North. Can you sign this for some person I don't even know? You legend, you.'"

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