Who says bad boys can't be funny? Listed here are some of the best one-liners (or more than one line sometimes) said by Dr. Chris Ramsey on Port Charles.

Chris (to Eve): This is a cash only relationship.

Chris: Do you want the couch?
Eve: For half the rent, I want more than just the couch.
Chris: Suit yourself. Take half the bed.
Eve: You wish.

Chris (to Eve): Stop batting your eyelashes at me before I puke.

Eve (who has just broken up with Scott): I'd rather get a job.
Chris: Come on Eve. I'd the Dennis Rodman of love baby, look for me on the rebound.

Chris (re Matt and Ellen as he hangs out the window ledge with a camera): Man they'd better not just be playing Monopoly in there.

Chris: The only screwdriver you will find in my hand is the kind that's loaded up with vodka.

Chris (regarding the previous night's drunken makeout session): As I recall, you woke up with a big smile on your face.
Eve: That wasn't a smile Ramsey. That was pure pain.
Chris: That's only because you passed on what would have been the most intense incredible sexual experience of your life.

Eve: You're a good friend Chris.
Chris: There goes my reputation.

Chris (to Eve): Whatever you lost I didn't take it. Unless, of course, it's the key to your heart.

Chris (to Eve): You are the most attractive, intelligent person I know. Next to me of course.

Eve: Have you ever been in love?
Chris: How dumb do I look?

Chris: Clever I have in spades okay? It's money I suddenly find myself in need of.

Chris (to Frank, who because of Chris is now a waiter): It's a shame I only have enough to pay the bill Frank. Guess you don't get a tip.
Eve: Oh, that's gotta hurt with you about to be the proud papa of a bouncing baby pillow and all.
Frank: Haven't you been spending a lot of time with Julie? If this pillow comes out with a forked tongue and a tail, we'll know who the real daddy is.

Julie: Chris, you did something wonderful. Admit it.
Chris: My God you're right. I hope this isn't the beginning of a downward spiral of becoming a good guy.

Chris: Relax Frank. You wouldn't want us running off to the bathroom right away would you? What would people think?

Courtney: Chris Ramsey, you are a very naughty boy.
Chris: Well I try to be.

Eve: Hey, you missed me.
Chris: Oh sure. No one to fetch my slippers for me. No one to tell me what a big stud I am.

Chris: Darn it. Would you look at this? I only have a fifty. Do you know how to break a fifty Frank?

Chris: It's never too early for a martini.

Chris: You know moderation isn't exactly in my vocabulary.

Eve: As I recall, this time last year you were all goo-goo for Julie.
Chris: No, no, no. I had the hots for Julie. Okay? There's a difference.

Frank (referring to Julie): She's in a fragile state of mind right now.
Chris: Fragile? As in flipped out psycho serial killer?

Chris: Oh a heating pad. Thanks for making all my dreams come true.
Eve (who has been babbling about Kevin while Chris tries to prepare his defense to get his job back): It's not for you. It's for Kevin. If you had been listening to me, you'd know that.
Chris: Once again I'm sorry your Highness. I guess I'm a self-centered jerk who is more concerned that his medical career could be in the toilet than he is over his friend's turmoil over - over- whatever. Shoot me.

Chris (to Joe, who is flirting with Gaby at the desk): Play with the nurses on your own time, Dr. Scanlon.

Chris (regarding Joe performing "surgery" on Audrey with a drill): How often does someone get canned for preforming unwarranted surgery with a power tool?

Chris (explaining how Cooper was eventually overtaken by the interns while holding them hostage): One of my erstwhile colleagues distracted him with a striptease. It was like a bachelor party for disgruntled postal workers.

Eve: You have no idea what it's like living with somone who does nothing wrong.
Chris: Yes, I do.
Eve: You live alone.
Chris: I rest my case.

If you know of any "Chris quotes" that you think should be posted here, please email the webmaster! Please note that I want exact quotes, not just guesses of lines that were said. Thanks!

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