Learn all about Port Charles' devious doctor

Chris Ramsey came onto the show as the 'bad boy' intern. From day one, we knew that he was going to be trouble. In the beginning, Chris schemed to romance Dr. Julie Morris, whom he immediately recognized as the daughter of world-renowned physician Dr. Bennett Devlin. His plans went sour when Julie fell for Frank Scanlon.

Julie's mother Nicole came to town, and upon finding out that her husband had an affair with Eve Lambert, she was romanced by Chris, and the two had a fling. However, Nicole was only using Chris to get revenge on her cheating husband.

Later, Chris set his sights on the Quartermaine Residency. His stiffest competition for the award was Dr. Matt Harmon. Through his snooping, he discovered that Matt was having an affair with their superior, Dr. Ellen Burgess. Chris took photos of the two of them in a compromising position, and posted them on the hospital bulletin board. Matt was thereby disqualified from the race for the Quartermaine, and the award went to Chris. Wanting to ensure that Matt would not be a threat to his career, Chris snooped into Matt's background, and found out that Matt was really Eric Mancusi, son of a mob leader. Matt was in the Witness Protection Program. Chris sent Matt's father information on Matt's whereabouts, and Matt was nearly killed in the process. This sparked a bitter rivalry between Matt and Chris. In the end, Chris had the Quartermaine award revoked when his scheme was ultimately revealed.

Still scheming to make money, Chris schemed his way into helping Karen and Jake with their new research project, a drug called DL-56. Frank Scanlon was injected with the drug after he fell off a roof by Bennett Devlin. Discovering that the drug had violent side effects, Karen and Jake stopped their research. However, Frank became addicted to the drug, and found ways to obtain it. Chris discovered Frank's addiction, and sought to profit on it by perfecting the drug, using Frank as his guinea pig.

Experimenting with a sample of a flu virus Chris took from Eve, he injected a vial of DL-56 with the flu virus. Desperate for a fix, Frank broke into Chris' lab and stole the contaminated vial. He dropped it at Mario's restaurant, releasing a super-flu onto the residents of Port Charles. Lucy, Frank, Lark, Kevin, Ellen, Scott, and Chris himself all became victims of the virus. Two other people died as a result of the super-flu. Eventually a cure was found by Karen, and Chris was stripped of his hospital privilidges, pending a board hearing.

Determined not to be blamed for the DL-56 outbreak, Chris drugged Frank's drink at a party, and was easily able to prove that he was using drugs as a result. The board placed the majority of the blame on Frank, and Chris was reinstated at the hospital, albeit on probationary status for a year.

Chris began dating Courtney, Joe's ex-girlfriend and the mother of Neil, Frank's son. (Neil's true paternity wasn't revealed until much later.) Courtney wanted Joe back, and Frank was bent on revenge against Chris. Also angry at Joe for testifying against him at the board hearing, Frank and Courtney teamed up for two reasons: to destroy Joe and Karen's relationship, and to get revenge on Chris Ramsey. Unfortunately for them, Chris caught on to their scheme rather quickly. He found the bug that they had placed in his apartment, and was furious. Through some scheming of his own, Chris discovered the Frank and Courtney had stolen money from Julie's bank account. Julie was in Ferncliffe, being deemed incompetent to stand trial for the murder of John Kanelos. Chris took this information to Julie, and told her that he would help her get her money back, in exchange for the profits from the DL-56 research. Unbeknownst to Chris, Bennett Devlin had registered the patent for DL-56 before he had a chance to, and his research didn't net him a penny. Julie, not sure if she could trust Chris, reluctantly agreed -- under one condition -- that he help her smuggle her baby out of Ferncliffe.

Assuming that Julie was crazy and not really pregnant, Chris quickly complied. Then, Julie revealed to Chris that she really WAS pregnant, and had been hiding her pregnancy successfully from everyone at the facility. Chris was stunned -- but still willing to help. Chris felt that the best way for their agreement to work in order for him to get the money from the DL-56 profits was for them to marry, and Julie would sign the money over to him.

When Julie was nearing her due date, she broke out of the hospital, and went to Chris. They hid out in a place called Fairy Tale Village, where Julie, with Chris' help, gave birth to her daughter. So grateful to Chris for his help, Julie named the baby Christina in his honor. Chris took the baby, and Julie was returned to Ferncliff. He hired a "nanny" (who was really a hooker in need of some money) to look after baby Christina, but her irresponsibility caused her to abandon the child, and Lucy found her and began taking care of her. Julie was furious with Chris, and demanded that he find a way to get her deemed competent to stand trial so that she could be reunited with her daughter.

Chris had Kevin fired as Julie's psychiatrist, and brought Dr. Rachel Locke into town to treat Julie. As Julie and Chris visted more, their bond grew. At their wedding, they both started to realize that they had true feelings for one another. Feeling that this was no longer a "business arrangement" marriage, Chris and Julie were more determined than ever for Julie to be released.

Neil Kanelos, who was now revealed to be Frank's son, became very ill when his leukemia relapsed, and he was in need of a bone marrow transplant. Only Chris knew that Christina, who was Frank's biological daughter, was Neil's half-sister and a potential candidate for a match for Neil. Chris cleverly arranged for Christina to be tested, and it turned out she was a match. Julie found out and was angry at first, but Chris reassured her that nobody would know Christina was her daughter until the time was right. Meanwhile, Scott and Lucy had been petitioning the courts for custody of Christina, since no one had claimed her as their child.

Finally deemed competent to stand trial, Julie was tried and found not guilty of murdering John Kanelos. She was released into Chris' custody, and the couple tried fervently to stop Scott and Lucy from being granted custody of Christina, but it was too late for that. The papers had already been signed. Chris and Julie went forward with their relationship, admitted their love for one another and made love. Julie wanted desperately to fit back into society, but only Chris and Rachel stood by her. She was harassed when she and Chris went places together, still accused by many of being a murderess. During a nurses' strike at the hospital, Julie was permitted to do clerical work to assist the staff during the time of crises, but was let go as soon as the strike ended. Eventually, Julie came forward as Christina's biological mother, and was granted supervised visits with the child for awhile. However, an attack on Kevin Collins prompted suspicions to be cast in Julie's direction, and she was arrested for the attack. A security video showed someone with Julie's hairstyle attacking Kevin, and Julie was arrested. Even Chris doubted her at first, but eventually realized that the woman he loved couldn't be a killer, and stood by her. In the end, it was revealed that Greg Cooper was Kevin's attacker, and Julie was released. Her desire to regain custody of her daughter, Christina, was overturned by the courts -- custody was given to Lucy and Scott. Devastated, Julie became increasingly depressed. Chris did his best to console her, to no avail. Desperate to have her daughter back, Julie kidnaped the child, and left town, leaving Chris behind, alone and embittered.

Julie left Chris a great deal of money, and Chris was determined to make that his primary focus in life, and to never love again. Soon after Julie's disappearance, he was approached by a young girl named Charlie, who told him she was a pre-med student doing research. Chris had been appointed Chief Resident of GH, and she wanted his input on a research project she was doing. Suspicious, Chris did some snooping, and found out that the girl's name was really Olivia Locke, and she was Rachel's daughter. Further snooping revealed that she was really the daughter of Rachel's SISTER, and Livvie's father was none other than Kevin Collins. Chris schemed for months, holding this secret in, waiting for just the right time to reveal it.

Meanwhile, Chris' brother Jack showed up in town, and Chris was immediately suspicious of his return. He attempted to pay him off to leave town. Jack was attracted to Livvie, and Chris wanted her for himself. In the end, Livvie caught on to Chris' schemes, and walked out on him.

Elsewhere, when Eve found out she was pregnant by Ian, who was then married to Arianna, Chris offered to marry her. Chris had always had a secret crush on Eve, and promised her a good life for her and her baby. Eve considered his offer, but turned him down in the end.

Things in Port Charles took a supernatural turn when a vampire named Caleb showed up in town, and turned Chris' brother Jack into one. Suspicious of his brother's odd behavior, Chris tried to find out what was wrong with him, and Jack attacked him. Determined to find out what was going on, Chris kidnaped Jack and held him in a cage against his will. It was there that he discovered that Jack was now a vampire, and began running experiments, determined to find the "fountain of youth" in his brothers' condition. Jack eventually escaped, and Chris discovered that Gabriella was also a vampire, and with Alison and Jamal's help was able to hold HER prisoner. Eventually, Chris' experiments backfired when Caleb found out what Chris was up to, and in anger attacked Chris. Fortunately for Chris, he never showed any symptoms of being a vampire, as Caleb was killed shortly after he was bitten. Or so everyone thought.

Having saved some vials of vampire blood, Chris was still determined to find the means to eternal life. He tried to take certain components of the blood and come up with an injection. Intending to inject himself with the vial of blood, he was interrupted by Karen, and injected HER instead by accident. Karen then became his newest experiment -- and in the process, Chris began to find himself very attracted to Karen, to the point of falling in love with her. Karen allowed Chris to do experiments on her, particularly when it became clear that her organs were shutting down, and she needed Chris to find a cure. Chris wanted Karen for himself, and told Frank that if he didn't stay out of Karen's life, he wasn't going to give her the cure. Frank complied, but then took it back, as Karen was far too important to him.

Rafe, an angel, put a spell on Chris, forcing him to tell nothing but the truth. Because of this spell, Chris gave Karen the cure she was in need of. Chris' truthfulness caused him to lose his job at the hospital, and he and his brother Jack began to get closer. Chris also begain receiving suspicious phone calls, which made him think someone was out to get him.

Suspicous of the phone calls he was receiving, Chris got a clue in one of the calls and proceeded to the Port Charles hotel, where he found his wife, Julie. Chris was very happy to see her, but his happiness was cut short when he found out she was dying. Chris begged her to let him stay with her, but Julie told him it would be easier if she left. She had only returned to town to give Christina back to Lucy, and to ask him to move on with his life, and find love again with someone. Julie then left, leaving Chris behind, devastated.

Eve, being named the new Chief Resident, got Chris to stop drowning his sorrows in drinks and come back to work. There, she tried to set Chris up with a girl named Amy, who was a psychotherapist. Amy was blind, and Chris swore that he knew her from somewhere. So he spent approximately twelve weeks doing nothing more than hunting for a photo of her, having it blown up, and trying to get Eve to look at it. In the end, he never did figure out where he knew her from. Either that, or the writers forgot to tell us. By the way, Amy was an ANGEL -- don't ask, if you didn't see this storyline, you're better off.

Eve died in a car accident, and Chris mourned her loss deeply, until he met a police officer named Doree and, due to the powers of a candle, began a 'sex only' relationship with her.

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