Codici Nokia


Nokia 5110 - 6110

To view IMEI number *#06#

To view Software Version enter *#0000#
Latest Version is under Phone Info Type is NSE-3NX

*#92702689# offers you Serial Number and also IMEI number.
There are various options to scroll here.
The code is easier to remember as *#war0anty# (warranty)
The next screen is the date of manufacture in the format Made: 1197
The next screen is the purchase date in the format Purchasing Date: 1197 (this can be edited)
The next screen has Repaired: 0000 (presumable at repair the date is entered)
The next screen has Transfer User Data? (the same option as the 8110)
To exit turn the phone off and then back on

*3370# to activate Enhanced Full Rate (*efr0#)

#3370# to deactivate Enhanced Full Rate (#efr0#)

*4720# to activate Half Rate (*hra0#) ONLY IN SOFTWARE VERSION V4.33 OR EARLIER

#4720# to deactivate Half Rate (#hra0#)
After pressing these codes the phone will shut down and start up again with the service activated/deactivated

6110 Sim Card Locking There are four different types of Sim Locks on the 6110 (not sure about 5110 yet):

To see the status of your phone

(mastercode) is a 10 digit number WITHOUT the brackets.
X is a number 1 through 4, it shows the above locks.
Not sure of which numbers are assigned to which lock yet.
Sim not restricted message means your phone is NOT sim locked - Check all 4 to be sure

Adding NEW Ring Tones

Set SMSC to +358405202999 (Smart Messaging)
Send a SMS to 99999 with the word TONES in the message.
When you get the reply, edit the message so that the tone that you want does not have a asterisk in front of it.
Now send the message to 99999.
The phone will display NEW RINGTONE RECEIVED

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