Day 3 FIRST GET IRON KEY AND ETHEREAL KEYS -Get the iron key and ethereal keys just ass you did in the previous days. SECOND OPEN THE BACK OF THE TEMPLE AND GET SILVER AND BLACK KEY - Same as day 2. THIRD CALL MAIDEN AND KILL MAIDEN -Ok open the gate west where u killed the kknights go west, close door, lock door, w, north, search, n. -Leave the form there and go s west til youu can go n, n, unl door with mithril key, open door, n, put ring horn (pink ring). -Ok now go back to the form (2s, 2 or 3e, 22n) and set traps. Open trapdoor up and go up and look around in that area for a maiden. Lure it back to the form. -Ice maiden, trip it etc. It drains mana. -Kill maiden and get key from the ground. FOURTH KILL AZURE AND DRAGON HIGH LORD -Ok now find a room called Butcher Room in the gardens. From where u killed maiden its something like all s, open door s, s, 2 or 3w, s. Whatever, it's on the south side of the back of the temple. -Go west to the Pantry. -Go in the Pantry and search with maiden keey. Unform and go/have form go all down n follow path west until u get to a room with only South and East exits. Azure/HL are 2e from here. -Trap the room and leave the form there. Faarsight e and make sure there aren't any hiddens in the room 1e, 2e, or 3e. If there are, lure them out and trap them either where the form is or all e from the form. -Once there aren't any hiddens, go solo 2e and blind azure. This'll take a few passes. When it's blind, tell the form to go 2e and ice highlord, no room spells etc. -When highlord is dead kill azure. Loot em and have form port out and get to north lava. DON'T PORT URSELF THO FITH GET KEYS KILL MOBS WITH THE THINGIE FOR PLATINUM HOLY SYMBOL -Ok now the form leader has to go get a boook and a leaf which are back by the Pantry. So from azure/hl go all w, and follow path south til u get to a room with West East and South exits. Go s, all u, and now ur back in the back of the temple area. -Stay along the south wall of the temple annd look for a room called Bottom of the Staircase (not Grand Staircase). (it's somethin like e n e s from Pantry) -When u find it unlock/open door u, u, C FIIRESHIELD, pick chest, open chest, get all chest. -Then open door w, 1w or 2w, get leaf. SIXTH HIT DARKWOOD DRUID AND GET METAL GAUNTLET IN LIBRARY -Ok phase ur form on the north lava. -Go back to the gates with tree, then go n,, all w, all n to Top of the Hill. Search with leaf, down, hit Druid and flee. -Walk back to where ur form is at the northh lava and take them 1n of lava into the @ of stone that is separate from the main part. Druid will phase u and just ice him. -Take everything from the container you gett from him. You'll get a bowl, get all bowl for parchment. -Go back inside the back of the temple and ice knights again for black and silver key. Unlock gate, open gate, ALL west (through closed doors) and play harp. You'll get a platinum holy symbol which is the key for Knight of Roses's Music Box (d4 key). Make sure you have 18 intelligence while playing harp!!!! -Ok teleport out and get back to the lava, have ur form phase. Go back to gates with tree, unlock/open gates, s, close/lock gates, 2s, all e, all s, w, pick/open door s, s, search, s, pick/open door w, 2w, search, s, unlock gate with ethereal key you got at the very beginning. -Up, n, all w, 5n , open door w (should be Library), search, s, search, w, search, n, get all shelf, search, w, search, s, get metal gauntlet (d4 key). Now you are all done with day 3! EXTRAS: PRIESTESS LLOTH -Priestess lloth can be done any time afterr you killed the illithids of day 2 but has to be done before day 4. FIRST GET IRON AND ETHEREAL KEYS SECOND FIND PRIESTESS AND KILL IT. -Open the bone gate with the ethereal key ((from main gates, 2s, all e, all s, w, pick/open s, s, search, pick/open w, 2w, search, s). -Go up,east, and go north and up . -Ok now this room will have a description ssaying something about a carved spider. -Know this room you'll also need it for dayy 4. Search here. -Ok go north until you see an exit east. -Go e, u, e. It is cramped and up is hiddenn so wait for form to get to u. -Take form all s and trap. Solo and go all n, trap the room, open door e, e, search with Tome you got on day 2. -Go s, and hit Lloth, then flee and go westt to lure it to traps. -Once it is trapped, engage it solo until iit makes a warrior then flee. DON'T trap any ajoining rooms. The idea is to trap 2 summoned warriors in the same room as Lloth so she won't summon any more of them. Do the necessary luring and repeat until there are 2 warriors trapped with her. -Get the form and ice her. -You'll get a rune from the priestess. -The form can leave now, but the leader musst go s, w, d, w, all s, d, s, west til u can go north, then follow path north to door. Open door, e, all d, s, e, s, w, s, open hatch or trapdoor (forget door name). HOLD RUNE or u'll get ported out when you go down. Once holding the rune, go down and get crown. -With Crown, Holy Symbol, and Metal Gauntleets you are ready for day 4.