Those in Charge Who "Know" Too Much... (Postscript)

In the first installment I wrote, "The staff all left immediately thereafter. We keep in touch. We, or at least I, are waiting to see when that organization self-destructs."

In keeping in touch with other former members I have found out that one of the two organizations that made up that non-profit agency has been closed down, eliminated, retired, thrown out with the bathwater, discontinued, killed, disposed of... No longer exists.

It didn't take long.

The interesting issue is that the only interest that this organization was able to garner from some states, outside of the select states that make up the other side of the house, was through this organization. The executive director and the board has effectively isolated themself and thus made their organization less effective by not being as inclusive. What part of this do they not get.

It was certainly a matter of the bottom line. It will certainly effect the bottom line. It is now just a matter of time until they realize that the new E.D. must go, or the parent organization becomes so far beyond saving that it will be gone as well.

Stay tuned for more. Or should I say, say tooned for more, as this is as much like watching the saturday morning cartoons as anything that I have seen lately. (Except for the fiasco with the director of FEMA, but they are so alike one might as well watch one as the other. Give your friends a job, insure they make a good salary, watch the little people loose out.)

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