Nazis. What's so great about them? Well, I will tell you. NOTHING!! That's what. They were just a bunch of people who wanted everyone to be blonde and blue eyed and have a perfect society. Well, there were many men who joined the nazis who didn't nessesarily want to, but they did anyways, like in the movie Swing Kids. If you have never seen that movie i would advise you to rent it. Now, let me get on with my little speech. Adolf Hitler was a psychopath, he killed the jewish, gypsies, and the homosexuals, and other forgeiners becuse they wenr like him. I hate him. Thank God he killed himself, but if he hadn't, someone else would have. Nazis are facist, racist, and I hate it so much. Read on and find out more about nazis. I have done some reseach for you.
  In the first world war, Adolf Hitler joined the German army, just a a soldier. But he was the most evil one, he killed anyone and everyone of his enemys he saw, lke he was almost psychotic. Hitler found work as a courier, and then came across The German Workers Party and was swayed by their beliefs. He only joined The German Workers Party, he did not start it, but he later took control and came out on the top.
   In 1920 Hitler became the head of the party's propaganda, and he pushed for a mass meeting. The others did not want this, but it was unavoidable. They were afraid that certain people would show up there and would be disruptive, but that was exatly what Hitler wanted.
   Also in 1920, Hitler introduced the Swastika, as the party's official symbol along with a new name. They were now called The National Socialist German Workers Party, but Nazi was for short. But, he went over to Russia to meet with the other Nazi groups to discover they had formed an alliance against him to weaken hid power in a way. So, he went back to Germany a quickly resigned from the Nazi Party. But, the other leaders realized that without Hitler the party would eventually come to an end. So, they invited him to rejoin the party as chairman, leaving him in almost complee power. They had a vote for Hitler to be their leader, Hitler won and The Nazi Party founded it's new leader on July 29th, 1921.
    The Nazi Party grew very quickly, from 3000 members into 55, 000. 1923 to 1933 are the years when the "Hitler Youth" and the "Hitler Jugend" started forming. In 1933 Hitler and his followers were given enough power to take over te German Government and form what they liked to call the new "Reich". Hitler built Germany into a powerful war and fighting country that most people feared. They destroyed homes, families and the lives of many German people fo what he called "unfit races". These "unfit races" included the jews, the polish, christian, and other minority and ethnic groups. World War 2 then took action in Europe, Africa, Japan, and even Germany and other places. This was the near end of the "Nazi Era". Although there was still a little problem with the NeoNazis.
    There are still problems with Nazis today. There are still people out there that follow Hitler, even in death. Problems with facism, racsim, nazism, hate crimes have increased, and are around and will always be.
In conclusion, The National Socialist German Wokers Party (a.k.a.Nazis) werea complete failure. Their leader couldn't stand the fact that he was losing the war, so the only thing he could do was shoot himself in the head, which I am glad for.  Nazis suck, they'll always suck. They may not know it, but I do. Thanks for reading.
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