Recall News Links
8/13/03 - 135 Candidates To Vie For Governor

8/11/03 - Davis: Recall An Insult To Voters

8/11/03 - Lottery-Style Drawing Picks Ballot Order

8/6/03 - Schwarzenegger Says He Will Run

8/4/03 - Davis Files Suit To Delay Recall

8/3/03 - Scores of candidates gear up for recall election

8/1/03 - Schwarzenegger to make announcement on Leno

7/27/03 - Davis Supporters, Opponents Hold Separate Rallies

7/26/03 - Recall Opponents Stage Rally in Support of Gray Davis

7/26/03 - Recall Supporters Celebrate with Big Rally

7/25/03 - Supreme Court Refuses to Block Recall Election

7/24/03 - Davis Recall Election Set For Oct. 7
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