Taoerutan Chertelnogarthrim is often refered as the Jedi Religion. Taoerutan Chertelnogarthrim is the true name of the religion but many American followers have renamed it Nogardianism or Shatel'Nogothrim. Nogardianism is not a new religion. It combines many different aspects of many religions around the world. It is believed that the new movement of Nogardianism sprung up in Baku, Azerbaijan in 1993.
The Force
Erutan is the Nogardian word for �nature� since The Force is what Pagans describe as Mother Nature. Every time you use Eurtan, you use force which is why we call this force "The Force" because it is vaguely just a force.
Erutan exist as this �all knowing force� from which the Ka comes from. Erutan exist in the smallest elements. It is all around us. Most call Erutan �God�, but Erutan could be a god if you take the personification off the word God. Erutan closely relates to the Hindu belief in Atman.
Erutan is also the force which governs physics. It is the natural laws created by nature that can be bent but never defied. From Erutan, gravity is created, elements are created, etc. Everything that exist is because Erutan guided it to.
Soul Trinity
The Ka exist in the pool of knowledge in Erutan. When a person is born, the Ka leaves Erutan and starts its journey to combine with the Sha�carava. It is then called the Cotra. The Cotra is like the human soul. After the Ka and the Sha�carava are united and work together in synchronization, they become the mentality of an adult human as the Cotra. This event happens in all living things.
At this point, the Sha�carava can leave the Ka at any given time in a normal human or on command in a Nogardian or Healer. This is much easier to do when sleeping since that is when we are closer to the Astral Plane. The Sha�carava can link up with the Astral Plane, where is it divine. In the Astral Plane, the Sha�carava is one with that plane and is governed by the laws Erutan guides it there. The Sha�carava comes back when a person wakes up or when it is called upon or needed. The Sha�carava lives in this cycle in sync with the living Ka.
When a person dies, their Sha�carava and Ka separate. The Ka continues to Erutan where it becomes one with Erutan again. The Sha�carava enters the Astral Plane where it will reside forever. The Sha�carava then becomes known as a �Spirit Guide�. The Ka becomes all knowing and can communicate to the Sha�carava in the Astral Plane from Erutan through the Etheric levels. The Sha�carava of a living person may communicate with the Sha�carava of a dead person in the Astral Plane. The dead Ka may enter the �doorway� to the Astral Plane but it can not cross the threshold.
Normal human�s Sha�carava however cannot communicate with the Ka in Erutan. Only Nogardians and Healers have the power to become one with the Spirit Guides to talk to the Ka in Erutan.
When the Ka and Sha�carava of a Nogardian or Healer is combined in the physical world, they possess the Shau power. However when the Sha�carava leaves the Ka, the Sha�carava carries the Shau power into the Astral Plane where it is divine. In the physical world, the Shau is not as powerful. A Healer can not carry over the Shau power into the physical worlds like a Nogardian can.
The Astral Plane
The Astral Plane can simply be described as a psychic Internet. Like a bridge between minds. When a human sleeps or meditates, they "log on" to the Astral Plane. A human is like a computer to the Internet. The Astral Plane is really a place where all humans are link psychically to one another. The link is formed by brain wave patterns in a network. The network does exist physically in the smallest particles of matter. When humans sleep their dreams take place in this world. Everyone interacts with one another in this dream world. This beautiful place is the Astral Plane. The term Astral Plane covers all the levels of it, including Erutan and the physical world, not just the Astral Plane level itself.
Each species can carry over their powers to a few other levels. Nogardians can carry their powers over to all their levels. Others are limited to carrying over their powers only to the few areas specified in the diagram. All species reside on the Lower Physical Astral level. All species are also able to reach the Lower Astral (nonphysical) plane, theoretically.
Each person sees the Astral Plane in his/her own way. The Astral Plane is nothing more than neural energy generated by the brain that intertwines with someone else's neural energy. Some just have the ability more than others to work this energy. Imagination gives a view of the Astral Plane. Since each persons mind is different and interprets things in different ways, the Astral Plane is different for everyone. Not everyone sees the Astral Plane the same. It could be a forest or city in the clouds. It is which way your mind interprets it and incorporates it into your imagination.