Man you don't have a clue what you are talking about! Most of the cliches you make belong to the screamo crowd or the emo crowd and you call it hardcore? You must have had a couple bad experienes with a couple people in your area and now you've got some totally misinformed agenda against the entire hardcore scene? All your little charts and shit are so dumb... people in the hardcore scene know that Poison The Well and American Nightmare suck! Poison The Well isn't hardcore it's fuckin emo-core. Hardcore, classic hardcore, is stuff like Minor Threat, DRI, Bad Brains, Dr. Know, Aggression, Poison Idea. You're all caught up in the surface of hardcore man you don't even know how deep it goes. Don't you konw your fuckin history? Hardcore isn't the product of emo and metal merged together in the 90's to make money you asshole! Hardcore is the sound of the suburbs in the early 80's! EMO CAME FROM HARDCORE NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! And you like Against Me?? So do I! They're almost a fuckin hardcore band! And your little site thing is the first mention of "hardcore kids wearing make-up" that I've ever heard. Glam punks wear make-up, some black metal dudes wear make-up, I've never seen a hardcore kid in make-up. You've got your sub-cultures HORRIBLY mixed up in so many ways, you generalize all the emo kids into hardcore! Where I am from hardcore isn't some trendy shit, maybe the youth crew stuff is getting there and of course the metal-core and the emo-core but OF COURSE. Real hardcore isn't even known to any of the kids around and it seems you don't know what real hardcore is anyway. Anarchy is punk not hardcore. You have a a bad attitude.
Fuck you buddy!
Ian Canbein
Dear Mr. Empty Note,
You seem to be a very bitter individual, lashing out at anything and everything for kicks and giggles. But that's the problem right there. There are NO (spin)kicks or giggles. Your comic isn't funny. It isn't even clever. Your drawings are crude and your jokes are lame. Hating Hot Topic seems to be a trend nowadays, and you, Mr. Empty Note, are trendy. MTV? Boo! Make fun of that! That's original. I also don't understand why you're so bitter against the 'hardcore' scene. Yes, dancing does sometimes get a little out of hand, but if you don't want to get hit, avoid the pit. It's that easy. Maybe you didn't understand this concept and got punched in the head or something and you left the show angry, saying "I'll show them all! I'll make a web comic making fun of them! I'll call them Ninja Turtles!" And maybe your friend thought you were a fucking genius and egged you on. Move on. Think of some new material. Learn to draw. There are other things out there you could insult if you insist on being a douchebag.


I know about good web comics too. I happen to have one myself. It doesn't have an official site yet, but you can look at some of the comics at . Maybe you can learn a thing or two from them. Thanks for your time. Hope my constructive criticism helps you when you make some new comics.


Reply to: [email protected]

Dear Mr. xibrokenheartyoux,
Let me start be saying how refreshing it is to hear from someone who hasn't bought into the trend of sticking x's around their names... oh wait...  But I digress, the point is that I was accused of being trendy. The irony is biting.

Am I bitter? Nah. Realistic? You bet. I wasn't aiming for "kicks and giggles" with my works of art; they're honest.  Every worthless thing I've put up on there has been based on a real event, not some storyline.

To understand why I hate the hardcore scene so much, you'd have to be literate and read the section entitled "Why I hate the scene."  However, I'll cut you some slack here and go ahead and give you a condensed version. Hardcore is noise. There is nothing complex about it, although many people like to argue otherwise. The scene is patronized by straight edgers X-ing it up until they're 21 and the Fashionxcore kids who are more concerned about what designer bandana/scarf they are going to wear than what band they are going to see. Hardcore music promotes domestic violence, self-abuse, and other wonderful, positive things. Point in case:

Who you fucking now
i use my slit wrist
to sign my name with
and when you cant compete with the joneses
gun em all down(even the father)
you filthy whore
shut up and swallow my pride for me
move closer and drive further
suck on the end of this dick that cums lead
but first im comin after you all

Sounds like some pretty angry emo to me. Which is my next point. At least where I come from, all the hardcore kids are just revamped emo/indie rockers who were tired of being called "pussies" and "fags."  Subsequently, they adopted something tough. After all, nothing screams tough like a slitting your wrists and killing someone. I'll stop here.

Everyone is a critic, including you and me. However, I run into a problem when you tell me to learn to draw. Granted, my cartoons look like crap. I'll be the first to admit it. HOWEVER, I took the liberty of looking at your site.  I'm amazed. I've pissed more coherent pictures in the snow. My "drawings are crude," yes, but holy hell, don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house. You told me to "learn to draw." Perhaps you should lead by example, good sir.

In closing, I'm still awesome and hardcore still sucks.
someone not afraid to sign his name to what he writes,
Jon Stockton
      Let me start off by saying that I agree with you about 60% on you're views regarding "Hardcore". Yet I must admit I am a bit distressed by some of your comments, therefor I am going to address what I agree with, and what I myself feel you are wrong about.

First off, I totally agree that the current "hardcore" scene is incredibly annoying, and I can understand you'r wanting to make a site specifically dedicated to bashing it..Well, kind of. You see, this has been said before infinite of times but Ill say it again, the type of "Hardcore" you seem to hate so much is the new whore type screamo stuff that has become so popular today. Yes, you'r right in that it will eventually die off soon, and the sooner the better, but just know that a frat boy crossed with and emo kid does not = Hardcore. I am not even going to go into what hardcore is because that has been done before enough times. And yes, you'r right about how stupid the big tough guy macho attitude in this "Scene" is. Shit, I remember a couple weeks ago when I was dragged to some show with some shitty bands that pretty much sounded like typical "Nu-metal" (so whats the difference?) and everyone there was just being a total asshole. When anyone was crowd serfing they would just toss them up into the air and let them fall to the ground, this happened to my friend which is right about when I decided to just fuckin leave that place. And apparently, the holy scriptures of this new "Scene" call for all it's loyal faithful followers to run up to someone they don't like in the pit and spin-kick them as hard as they can. So, if your at a "Hardcore" show, and the elders dont like the way your "Dancing" in the pit, watch out or you'll get badly bruised! Never had I been around so many people I absolutely abhorred, well, not sense high school anyway. The macho knowitall attitude has got to stop.

Now, to some of the comments I didn't agree with...

You said: "Screaming isn't music. Anyone can scream. The reason more bands don't scream is that they've realized it sounds terrible."

Sorry, but who in god's name do you think you are to make such a comment. Here you are bashing a group that you feel is Elitist and unoriginal (which is true) but then you turn around and basically say that no one should scream, because it is not really music, every band should conform to having perfectly beautiful melodic vocals and nice clear in depth complex music. You say one of the bad things about this type of music is that it is unoriginal. Well, are you saying that to be truly original, every "Musician" must go in the way of public opinion and strive to be you'r idea of musical perfection in every way?

Music - An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds.

"Sound is everywhere. It is anything. And whatever we think is interesting,
sound, we begin to collage it together....
But dont take so seriously what we`re doing." - Yamamoto eYe, Boredoms

Just because a group decides to be adventurous and vier away from the norm in pursuit of something indeed more original and  uncommon trying new techniques (Screeching, distortion, drum machine, synth..e.t.c.e.t,c whatever...) dosnt give you the right to bash them simply because they do not reach your particular taste in music, or standard of what music should be like. Who cares if groups scream. If some people dont like it, thats quite alright, everyones a critic. But just because a group choses not to go out of their way to write musically complex, melodic songs, or write in depth "Meaningful" lyrics (which I also enjoy too by the way), that dosnt make them any less talented than those who do.

"No words no lyrics and i dont care
Whatever the words whatever you sing
it only counts if you can play
Of all the things i really hate
I hate to sing about cliche's
No words no lyrics and i dont care"

You said:"hardcore apparently is the new word for gender reversal.  Hardcore guys all weigh under 130 lbs, regardless of height.  They wear nail polish and eye liner, and in some cases, enjoy kissing other males.  Maybe if they spent less time stealing make-up from their sister or mom, they'd have more time to find better music.  The girls are all butches that enjoy sweating and kicking people in the back and shins."

Well, this may be true, but so what. People have the right to dress how they want to dress, even if they are just doing it to fit in to their exclusive scene and impress their friends. As far as "Gender reversal"..who gives a fuck?

you said:"Eventually hardcore will die its deserving death and you all will move on to the next trend"

Yup! And the sooner, the better.

you said:"The Cobalt is like a festering wound to the surrounding music scene, spewing out crappy music on a nightly basis.  This joke of an establishment is mainly patronized by children of the xHARDCOREx persuasion who have bought into the illusion of a coffee shop calling itself a club."

Now thats just totaly immature and ignorant. The Cobalt cafe is a venue for bands, local or not, to be able to share a stage and play for their fans. For those who run the place, it's not in there authority to say "Oh, your in a hardcore band, you cant play here!", that would be totally idiotic. And furthermore, all the acts that have ever played or ever will play at the cobalt are very much different from each other. Although I myself may not like every band that has ever played at the Cobalt, I sure as hell wouldn't go so far as to say they're all from the same little group, they're all part of the hardcore scene. Not every band that plays at the Cobalt is hardcore. Shit, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't there recently a Bibiyan enterprises night at the cobalt...?

"Your shit attitude is such a joke
nothing but talk you are everything
that you say your against
just a reflection of society
that you say you hate"

"Time will show who has talent
and who's doomed to stagnation
We drove to the farest lands
to play in the worst squatted dogholes
in the name of an integrity often fading to nonsense
burnt out patience, tolerance
repaid by the umpteenth plain pat on the back
No appeasement - no cash - no promotion
just the guarantee of being a brick...

to a castle whose foundations have no strength to stand up"
- Cripple Bastards

"Was wurdest du gerne mal machen hast dich aber noch nie getraut (leben)"
- Yacopn conclusion, I do share your hatred for this new Hardcore/fratboy/metal/emofag/ whatever else... But do not bash hardcore because you think the music sucks.. Bash it because it represents total stupidity. That, and it is simply nothing more than a phase in the continuing evolution of the American teenage consumer suburban fuck-wit.

"everything is relative, relative to our point of view�This point once established, it is extremely possible that something, perfectly indifferent in itself, may be indeed distasteful in your eyes, but may be most delicious in mine; and immediately I find it pleasing, immediately I find it amusing, regardless of our inability to agree in assigning a character to it, should I not be a fool to deprive myself of it merely because you condemn it?"�The Marquis de Sade

P.s: Dont let anyone talk shit about your drawings. They may not be perfect, but they dont have to be, thats why they'r cool...

REPLY (It should be noted that I really don't even have a problem with this guy. Hell, he's "60%" of a fan. I just stand by my points):

Wow. That is a shitload of typing. I'm gonna just go ahead and address certain parts because let's be realistic, that's an overwhelming amount of words in one place. Without further haste, let's begin:

1)"Well, this may be true, but so what. People have the right to dress how they want to dress, even if they are just doing it to fit in to their exclusive scene and impress their friends. As far as "Gender reversal"..who gives a fuck?"

I give a fuck. Apparently wearing clothes made for males is enough to garner the spite of hardcore kids, as they were nice enough to label me a "shaka bra" or a "bro." Meanwhile the aforementioned hardcore kid gave himself a makeup swirly and THEN has the gall to make fun of me for wearing the clothes assigned to my gender? Thanks, but I'll pass.  You bring up the "Hooray for individuality! We'll dress how we want and dance like no one is lookin'" point. Good. Great. Fine. Knock yourself the fuck out. Fair warning: if you are going to emasculate yourself in makeup and girl's clothes, DON'T try to fucking threaten me for not being a part of your oh-so-cool scene, lest I swifly deliever my knee straight into your metrosexual crotch.

2)"Sorry, but who in god's name do you think you are to make such a comment..."

noise: Sound or a sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected, or undesired.
To me, hardcore music is noise. That sounds like an opinion. Hell, come to think of it, the whole site seems to be pretty much an opinion. I have yet to see one of my ideas written up in a scientific journal or textbook. Like you said, everyone is a critic; chalk me up with the best of them. The difference between my opinion and others? First, I'm usually right. Seriously. Second, I have taken an initiative to openly express my opinions in a "no apologies" manner. Not everything is relative. This is boring so I'm going to stop here.

3) The Cobalt Cafe
Holy hell, man. Do you really want to get me started on this? For the last fucking time, the Cobalt is a coffee house with a stage. "But it's a place for kids to gather and have fun! Don't be so hard on them!" Yay! Let's celebrate a complete lack of anything better to do! The people that play there play for friends, not fans. There IS a difference. There are other venues willing to book no-talent bands. Venues that don't give you a free soda with ticket. Still not convinced? Cool.

In conclusion, I'd like to address your rampant use of quotes, which seem to overrun this entire document. I'll finish with a quote of my own, as it only seems fitting.
"Relying on the words of others only shows that you have nothing important to say" -ME
On a sidenote, it seems like you've read entirely too far into this whole thing. Hyperbole is a literary technique. I suggest you look into it.
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