This little section will clear up a few commonly asked questions and mysteries.
Why are the drawings such utter crap?
- What you call crap, I call charm.  All comics are handrawn and then scanned in black and white, which accounts for the terrible quality (in addition to the incredibly poor artwork).  I then use the almighty Photoshop to color them. Why, you ask? Because I rule.

Why do you hate hardcore so much?
- I think the better question is why don't I hate it as much as I probably should.  It's the only musical genre I've come across where people dub themselves elite, as if knowing some terrible undiscovered band makes them better than you.  Here's a thought: maybe the reason that they are unknown is because they flat out suck.  Screaming isn't music. Anyone can scream. The reason more bands don't scream is that they've realized it sounds terrible.  You'd think everyone else would clue in.  Furthermore, hardcore apparently is the new word for gender reversal.  Hardcore guys all weigh under 130 lbs, regardless of height.  They wear nail polish and eye liner, and in some cases, enjoy kissing other males.  Maybe if they spent less time stealing make-up from their sister or mom, they'd have more time to find better music.  The girls are all butches that enjoy sweating and kicking people in the back and shins. I can only conclude that saying you're "core" or better yet "xkorex" (it's much more scene if you hold a grudge against proper english and throw random X's into your words) is just an excuse to be ugly, sweaty, and unoriginal.  Unoriginality brings me to my next point.

original: 1. proceeding all others; first. 2. not derived from something else; fresh and unusual.

Wearing a black hoodie (even in the pit), eyeliner, dyed black hair, and giant plugs in your ears is not original. It's cliche and overdone.  Furthermore, it's just dumb.  Eventually hardcore will die its deserving death and you all will move on to the next trend, but you'll still have those gaping holes in your ears.  How many of you were "emo kids" or God forbid punk, before you became hardcore? A lot more than are willing to admit I bet.  In conclusion, I wouldn't lose any sleep if hardcore and all things related got SARS and died.

What the hell is the Cobalt?
The Cobalt Cafe is a coffee shop located in the heart of the godforsaken, sweaty, x818x valley.  There is a large bump in the floor of this establishment, which to my knowledge has been declared a stage.  The Cobalt is like a festering wound to the surrounding music scene, spewing out crappy music on a nightly basis.  This joke of an establishment is mainly patronized by children of the xHARDCOREx persuasion who have bought into the illusion of a coffee shop calling itself a club.  I'm sure every city has a Cobalt, a place for local bands to showcase their lack of talent to an audience composed of only friends.  This shithole, fire-hazard of a building really needs to close, but to my dismay, it continues to stay open, however weak or dirty its pulse. To me the Cobalt
is synonymous with xHARDCOREx and therefore needs to get SARS and die too.

If you and the Bro are twins, how come you don't look anything alike?

-Because his face has been morphed from constant falls that usually occur right before passing out. Example: the infamous stair sledding incident. 'Nuff said.

What is a Bro?
The beloved Bros serve as the arch enemies to the xHARDCOREx kids.  The stereotype came to classify football players or anyone with a buzzed head that listened to Pennywise.  Supposedly, Bros drive big lifted trucks and are interested only in getting drunk.  Hardcore kids are envious of the Bros' testosterone and of all the girls that Bros get, and hardcore kids subsequently hate them for it.  Bros serve as the pillar of all hardcore kids' self-esteem, as hardcore kids base their "toughness" on the illusion that they can kick a Bro's ass.  Yeah, good one.  Long story short: hardcore kids live in the constant fear of a Bro running their girly pants up a flagpole right before they get their ass kicked right in front of their estrogen-pumping hardcore pals.
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