Welcome to the No Frills web site. Please visit the gallery pages for images from our past events, including the five Buffalo and two Rochester shows. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our designers, artists, models, techies and committee members, along with the generous support of the Buffalo and Rochester communities (especially Tim Tompkins), No Frills has raised thousands of dollars to support Helping People with AIDS and AIDS Community Services. Thank you all! Because so many of the core committee members (and event co-founders) have moved out of the Western New York area, there probably won't be any more No Frills events, at least on the same scale as our previous shows. While this makes me very sad, I realize that it's because people are moving on to bigger and better things. If you're interested in getting involved with the project in any way, or if you've attended our past events and have feedback, or even if you just want to say hi, I'd love to hear from you. Who knows... we might just throw another show together. Email [email protected]. - John Carocci