Thrones & Patriots Info
"The change through history"

Played this great new game yet? Created by Brian Reynolds and his producers of BHG, they made it a spectacular edition to Rise of Nations the game of the year. All new units in this expansion makes it better than the first, with six new nations added to the 18 nations available before this expansion, it makes for even more verity. We hope the Thrones and Patriots, the edition of Rise of nations, will bring the same excitement and joy as it had to the first. The biggest and hardest part now is to switch players from Ron to T&P. We soon hope all players of Ron will be playing T&P.
Coming April 27
6 new distinct nations.
All new units.
More intense AI system.
All new Campaigns.
Different tactics.
New wonders.
Unit and building changes.
Now governments control nations.

Now, when you use these nations there will be a big deference when you control them. Well, you don�t really control them. In
Thrones & Patriots the editor of this game decided that it would be more real and interesting if the game were to have a government. Forget the old way of click research, now they just decide what to research and each nation will have a very different government, which will provide an exciting battle till the end. You will not want to miss out on this new and improved game for Rise of Nations.
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