Rise of Nations - Resources

Common Resources:
          Food-Necessary resource for the production of citizens, some military units and cities. Farms must be manned to gather food. A Granary enhances the production of food by allowing for technological advances in the way that food is produced and gathered.
         Timber-Necessary resource for most buildings and military units that wield wooden weapons (early spearmen, archers).  All civic technologies require timber.  Timber is gathered through the creation of Woodcutting Camps and can be enhanced by Lumber Mills.
       Metal-Used for many military units, iron-clad and newer ships and modern buildings.  All military technologies require metal.  Metal is produced by manned Mining Camps in the mountains and can be enhanced by Smelters.
        Wealth-Also known as gold.  Required to create most specialty units and all technologies.  Wealth is produced by trade routes established between cities and by selling resources in Markets.
        Knowledge-Necessary resource for most technologies.  Universities filled with scholars produce knowledge.  Increased numbers of Scholars produce knowledge faster. This resource is needed to build the most powerful weapon the NUKE!!!!!
    Oil-Necessary resource for the production of nearly all later age military units.  Oil is produced through manned Oil Wells and enhanced by Oil Refineries. Oil is used for the best and most powerful weapon NUKES!!!!!!!!!!
Relics-Knowledge +20; Reduces library research times
Wine-Food +10, Knowledge +10; Cost of unit upgrades reduced
Papyrus-Knowledge +10, Timber +10; Cost of Science and Military research reduced
Dye-Wealth +10, Knowledge +10; Cost of Civic research reduced
Silk-Wealth +10, Knowledge +10; Commerce research reduced
Spice-Food +10, Knowledge +10; Caravan income increased
Salt-Timber +10, Metal +10; Cost of Barracks troops reduced
Horses-Food +10, Metal +10; Cost of Stable units reduced
Rubber-Oil +20, Timber +20; Cost of Auto Plant units reduced
Sulphur-Wealth +15, Metal +15; Cost of Siege / Artillery units reduced
Amber-Wealth +10, Timber +10; Market sells higher and buys lower
Silver-Wealth +10, Metal +10; Age advancement cost reduced
Peacocks-Metal +10; Population limit bonus
Marble-Timber +10, Metal +10; Cost to build Wonders reduced
Fur-Food +10, Metal +10; Military research reduced
Cotton-Timber +20; Barracks, Stable, and Dock production times reduced
Bison-Food +20; Granary research costs reduced
Copper-Metal +20; Factory and Dock units receive bonus hit points.
Seals-Food +20; Reduces cost of Citizens by 50%
Citrus-Food +10, Timber +10; Ships at sea heal automatically
Sugar-Food +10, Timber +10; Reduces all food costs
Diamonds-Wealth +20; Raises commerce limit
Gems-Wealth +10, Knowledge +10; increases National Borders
Aluminum-Metal +20, Oil +20; Aircraft costs reduced / speed increased
Whales-Food +10, Metal +10; Increases sailing ship speed
Tobacco-Wealth +10, Knowledge +10; Buildings constructed faster
Wool-Timber +10, Knowledge +10; Citizens produced faster and cheaper
Coal-Metal +15, Knowledge +15; Reduces all Timber costs
Uranium-Knowledge +20, Oil +20; Nuclear missiles faster and cheaper
Titanium-Food +20, Oil +20; Attrition in enemy territory reduced
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