The Miraculous Beverage

By: Noemi Pavon de Navajas and Roberto Navajas

Yerba Mate or Mate as it is often called, is as tea-like beverage consumed mainly in South America that has won many admirers in wide-ranging parts of the world. It is brewed from the dried leaves and stemlets of the perennial tree Ilex paraguarensis ("Yerba Mate"). It is a natural source of nutrition. It is used:


What's in the Yerba Mate?

Mate contains numerous vitamins and minerals. There is the usual array of resins, fiber, volatile oil, and tannins that characterize many plant substances. And there is also carotene; vitamins A. C, E, B-1, B-2 and B-complex; riboflavin; biotin; calcium; nicotinic acid; pantothenic acid; magnesium; iron; sodium; potassium; manganese; silicon; phosphates; sulfur; hydrochloric acid; chlorophyll; choline; and inositol. Mateine is found in Yerba Mate and is a very interesting compound from a therapeutic standpoint because it belongs to a group of substances known as xanthines (caffeine also belongs to this group). For example, like other xanthines, it stimulates the central nervous system, but unlike caffeine, it is not habituating or addicting. Yerba maté's stimulant action is longer than that of coffee and does not have side effects such as insomnia and irritability. It relaxes peripheral blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure, without the strong oppressor effect on the medulla and heart exhibited by some xanthines. We also know that it improves psychomotor performance without the typical xanthine-induced depressant after effects.

The clinical studies of France, Germany, Argentina and other countries, it appears that we may be dealing here with the most powerful rejuvenator known to man. Researches at the Paris Pasteur Institute confer to Yerba Mate a very important role in the cell regeneration process. Unlike the guarana of the Tupi, the coca of the Incas, the coffee of India, or the tea of China, mate' rejuvenates not by the false hopes of caffeine, but simply through the wealth of its nutrients.

Mate contains practically all of the vitamins necessary to sustain life.


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