<BGSOUND SRC="You_Shook_Me_All_Night_Long.mid">
My Despair
Here I am lost in the darkness of hell
Cold, motionless with out a thought
Listening to demons ringing there bell
Color, beauty,love is naught

or is it I living my own fear
Decieving  myself and those
I held so dear
Causing hurt and untold woes

Oh is this life,or  my living  hell
How do I know,the brightness of light
Oh please someone tell
Of beauty,love and all thats is right

Oh how i wish I could escape this place
And to see the light and know it,s glowing
And how do I put a smile on my face
Locked in Darkness,tears now flowing

Who would dare to hold out their hand
Silently ,inside I am screaming
For someone to show me the light of the land
Tears from within are uncontrollable streaming

I have come to accept  my own demise
so please dont enter my living hell
As i will never see the Sun,s beauty
Spoken words of my despair I will never tell

Noel (copyright 2001)
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws