Scratching Post




Overall Rating: 7.5*
Best Song: Wake Up You're On Fire
Worst Song: Make It Easy

Written by Neal Grosvenor

At first listen I think this band seems like a two part gimmick. At second listen I'm pretty sure it's a gimmick, and by the third listen I'm dead sure that this is a full on gimmick. There's only one problem though - it's a gimmick that has least to penetrate mainstream radio. Whether or not the latter intention was the band's from the start is unclear. The first part is the music which is a total collision between crushing metal riffs can I put this?..."girly girly pop". An unholy fusion you say? Well, perhaps one that would alienate serious metal fans and scare away shallow pop fans looking for something lighter. Imagine Kylie Minogue fronting nu-metal band Disturbed instead of that wanker with...what is it? that fucked up chain or door-knocker on his chin and you've got some idea of SP's sound. Either that or imagine Garbage with more metal riffs and less of an electronic bent.

Part two of the gimmick is lead singer Nicole Hughes, who is a tall, skinny, crimson-haired, RAWK BOMBSHELL! If the band were bigger, you'd probably see her face everywhere and she'd be the number one sex symbol of the moment. On the album, her voice often alternates between sweet girl and seductress in the same song. It's no surprise mostly horny males show at SP's shows, and judging by the male fan comments directed to her on the band's website (i.e. "Nicole you are so hot! I'd love to..etc, etc) she has more than her share of admirers. She also fully exploits this image, as demonstrated by the one picture on the website of her licking a guitar. Ooh, how phallic!

Anyway, I'm quite enamoured of this updated version of the pop metal thing and well, ahem, find Nicole sexy as well. What do you want? I'm a hot blooded Canadian dude...and human...and need to be loved..etc, oh and I forgot to mention that SP are Canadian and hail from London, Ontario, also home to Kittie, those evil death metal chicks. Unlike SP, Kittie take their metal way more seriously though. The guys in SP seem like they'd rather be thrashing and double bassing away than be stuck with this pop chick. But oh well, tension is great for creativity I guess.

"Fade Away" opens things with a chugging riff and Nicole whispering the beginning verse first, then screaming FADE AWAY at the top of her lungs. It's got an electro beat in the background too, so could be classified as "disco pop metal". Does that turn you off? Well, I'm dancing now. Next up is "M-Bomb" which sounds like they nicked a riff from Korn or Kittie, but share and share alike I say. The bridge does sound like an amateur trying to play Metallica's "One", but I never said these guys were virtuosos. The chorus is annoying as well, so ok, let's move on to the next song. "Sleepwalking" sounds like a potential single with its radio friendly feel, but has a wicked riff and spiralling bassline. Great melody too. "Pants Down" rocks out totally with Hughes yelling "OMIGAWD KILL ME" valley girl style to kick the song off. This song ventures into Runaways territory with a "Cherry Bomb" style riff, and I'm still trying to figure out the lyrics. They're either about oral sex or her teasing some guy into giving him...well, oral sex.

Hmm...well, "Keep Looking My Way" is definitely about man-stealing with Hughes taunting "keep looking my way/give me a chance I'll make you forget her" in the chorus. Something tells me that she doesn't have many female fans. "Dragonfire" has a heavy bassline and a crushing riff that compliments her opening lyric "see my middle finger as I walk away/never looking back". "Wake Up You're On Fire" closes the album and finds the band in full death metal mode. It's truly the heaviest song on the album and something tells me they could do more like it, but are too concerned about writing songs with pop structures at the moment. Nicole does sound pretty ridiculous growling death metal style on the track, but perhaps the song is a joke more than anything else. But it does rock.

So SP continue to dazzle crowds with their interesting fusion of metal bombast and classic pop. What I find refreshing about them is they don't take themselves too seriously and have made listening to this album a fun experience.

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