Music Links
    You know, when I started this page, I said there was going to be a lot of different things on here, but thus far, I've got nothing but poetry. :)  Well, poetry's good and all, but there's more to my life than poetry!  Music is a HUGE part of my life.  In fact, that's what I'm studying in college! :)  So here are some links to music groups that are of particular interest to me.  Hope you like 'em as much as I do. ; D :)
Professional Groups
Andrew Peterson
- With three CDs out now on a national label, this talented young Christian artist is continually spreading outside of his indie roots.  His new CD "Love and Thunder" truly lives up to his previous albums.  Also check out his song on the new Caedmon's Call CD "Back Home"!
- Caedmon's is celebrating its 10th anniversary!  And as part of the celebration, they've come out with a new CD!  It was released Feb. 4th, and it's called "Back Home".  I highly recommend it!  It's good listening, and as always, it has a good message! :)
Caedmon's Call
- Three CDs under her belt as well now: Kansas, Lay It Down, and The Way I Am.  Of all these, I think Kansas is still my favorite.  No matter what situation I'm in, the songs still have the power to speak to me and reach me where I am.  Lay It Down is second on my list, with many songs of the same calibur as the first.  The Way I Am is too much of a departure from the first two for me, but many of my friends love it just as much.  Check it out!
Jennifer Knapp
- This group seemed to have disappeared from the market for a while, but it looks like they're back, and spreading their Christian "Techno-folk" message once again.  "No Place Like Home" is still the best, imho. ;-)
Scarecrow & Tinmen
FFH - Every now and then, you whisper peace to me with your tender words, unexpectedly.  When I'm at the end, taking my last breath, drownin' in my pride - I've got nothing left...  Oh, then I can see it comin' around the bend...  Yea, you're takin' me to that place again...  Every now and then. ~"Every Now and Then", FFH (Found a Place)

     If these lyrics stir your heart, let your curiosity lead you to their website; put the lyrics with the music and you just might be moved to tears.  Their site is a great place to find devotionals "every now and then" too. ; )
Burlap to Cashmere - A group unlike any other I have yet encountered, their variety of styles in a single CD is enough to knock you flat. :)  From jump up and down rockin' songs to gentle melodies soothing enough to fall asleep by (personal experience speaking). :)  This one is great for car rides or parties or times of quiet reflection on God's Word.  Check 'em out! ; D
- This group, based in Indianapolis, IN. has, as yet, only one CD out (only a year old).  But from the thick rock sound of "Depression", to the touching sweetness of "A Little Bit More", to just plain fun with "Top Ten", this CD has a song for everyone.
- Just got their CD today, and I rather like it!  Sort of a cross between Matchbox20 and Shaun Groves.  (More comments later.  The sister is cranky.)
Not-so-professional Groups
But they may be one day! ; D
- Well folks, F.L.Y. is taking a short break for educational and vocational reasons.  I'm in school and Cris is workin'. :)  The dream isn't over, just on hold.  We still like to get together an jam every now and then, and we're still writing new things.  We're just keeping it all to ourselves for now. :)  Your prayerful support is much appreciated.
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