1.Born in Orange County,California,on October 3,1969,Gwen Renne Stefani is related to Madonna ,Kind of-"Ok are you ready for this?"she begins.Before ending up in Anaheim,my grandpa first moved to Detroit from Rome.And my dad's mom's younger sister's husband's mother is a Ciccone.That's true'.

Daddy was a Folkie-Dennis Setani performed in a group called the Ineertubes at LA's Troubadour club.Gwen recllas hearing Bob Dylan in the station wagon and groaning,"Not this guy again!"

Their oshkosh overalls and bob haircuts look,circa 1990 is best forgotten-"It was so painful", cringes drummer Adrain Young."After  about eight months ,I went,this hair is stupid and shaved it all off."

Sting was once nasty to teenage police fan Stefani-The "fat eight- grader" approached her hero for am autograph while he was doing a promotional poster shoot for her father's employer,Yamaha."He signed it all mean and snarly."she winces."When I met him years later,he said,"oh.I was a real asshole back then."

"No Doubt"was a frequent expression of original singer John Spence,who commited suicide soon after the group fromed in 1986-"We always meant to chage the name." says bassit.Tony Kanal."But somebody would always have just printed up some stickers for $50 or something.So it just stuck".

.DisneyLand use to be their playground-Stefani remebers sneking around the DisneyLand Hotel,her brother Eric,who founded No Doubt,pouding out Madness tunes on the  ballroom piano.At the club inside the gates,same-sex dancing was strictly prohibited."Girls would frind each other to Prince and get kicked out Stefani snickers.

Kanal almost lost the use of his left hand in a bisarre fishbowl cleaning accident-Just after his family arrived in California from England the 11 year old future bassits severly slived his palm after bearking a fishbowl in the singk and trying to rescue the  fish."I cut a tendon, and at first they told me I wouldnt be able to use my hand aain,"he says.It required 28 stitches.He still bears the scars today.

Tom Dumont:secretly metal!-The teengae guitarist palyed in a failed hair -metal band called Rising named after an abum by bloated metal outfit.Rainbow."The other guys were just interested in cashing chicks," he shrugs.

Drummer Likes  to get naked,Part 1.-The bands"Hey Baby" video recreates a scene from a New York record company party."These gymnastics rings were haning above the table."Young says."I kept looking at them,thinking,I'm gonna get up on those'.People poined up money,so I hung upside down.nude for 10 seconds."

The hills were alive with the sound of tow-tone-"My first perfromance was for a school tlent show,in a band called Apple Corps."says Stefani "with John Spence and Eric.We dida cover of ' On My Radio'by the selceter.My mom made me a copy of the dress Julie ANdrews wore in The Sound Of Music when she sang I have confidence.I didn't know the words,but the outfit did give me confidence",she smiles.

Punk corwds were tough on a girl-led Ska band-"We were this fun cartoon band supporting hardcore punks in San Fransisco,so it was,Show me your tits."Stefani says."But as I got more comfortable ,the girls started coming upfront,and the Show me your tits'guys thinned out".

The nickname of ultrameticulous Tony Kanal,prounounce canal,is Tony Kanal,rhyming with anal-"Yeah, that's funny:, he mutters."i just like my shit to be organized Does it irritate the others? That might have happened."

In 1991,The profram director for  powerful L.A. radio station KROQ said it would take an act of god to get the group on the radio-"That was shitty. Young says."But you know.maybe we just sucked."Notes Kanal,"Now they've promoted our last,like,11 sigles".

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