Last month's results are located under the poll.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, which combination would you choose to survive with until you were rescued?
a sexy man, breath mints, and the book 'Satisfying Sex 365 Days of the Year
a sexy woman, breath mints, and the book 'Satisfying Sex 365 Days of the Year
sunscreen, a pocketknife and a blanket
your CD collection, your discman, and a year supply of batteries
A few romance novels, a supply of scented candles (no need for a match, you can use 2 sticks), and a personal, um, toy
a good supply of paper, pencils, and some inspiration
deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, and clean underwear
nothing, I will live off of the land, and maybe shack up with a hot native who's been hiding on the other side of the island...
A few Fed Ex packages, a volleyball, and a homemade spear
some weights, sports equiptment, and some gatorade

View Results
Last month's Results:

Poll name:
Which is Your Favorite No Doubt album?

No Doubt (Self Titled):                  2 Votes- 7%
  The Beacon Street Collection :      8 Votes- 27%
  Tragic Kingdom:                            9 Votes- 30%
Return of Saturn:                         10 Votes- 33%
Rock Steady:                                1 Vote- 3%
I Don't like No Doubt:                   0 Votes- 0%

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