Footprints of the Satyr:
An Appreciation of the Writings of Jim Brandon

Why a Jim Brandon appreciation page?

The first reason is my gratitude for Brandon's work in the field of what he calls "egnarts": I discovered this book shortly after my retirement in 1978, and have since used it as an excuse to travel about the country, visiting many of the sites listed here. It was one of the reason my life is so much richer than it was for the previous 72 years: I have seen incredible things, I have met interesting people (including my wife) and reawakened my hope for the human race and our relationship with the earth, thanks to Brandon's work.

There is also an interest in his work, however limited: a small group of people remember his work fondly, as indicated by the reviews at, and as the prices at will attest, booksellers are convinced that there are people who are willing to pay dearly for the rare Weird America: one copy was being offered recently for $1000!

Also, I feel a connection with Brandon's body of thought that I feel with no one other. I am a lapsed pagan, but I am still a pantheist, and it seems that Brandon, brave as ever, taps into the matter of what would happen if the earth god, the god of the universe immanent in the Universe, were not necessarily sane, friendly, or able to speak our language: it would manifest as obscure petroglyphs and strange demonoid creatures.

And yet, the idea gives me hope: we must embrace these anomalies not merely because it is the proper thing to do as a scientist, but also because such an embrace might lead us out of our current ecological crisis. The earth spirit might teach us to live in harmony with it--what better source than the earth itself?

For all of these reasons, then, I have established this collection of links to materials related to Jim Brandon.

Bibliography of Jim Brandon's Works ... Further Reading
Links to sites referring to Jim Brandon or his Works ... Works which cite Jim Brandon's Writings

Cenotaph of the Jackalope

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