Your opinions on our statement and alternatives to detention

Project SafeCom

Project SafeCom

6 June 200

Project SafeCom supports initial processing of asylum seekers in reception centres. This has been Australian policy before the introduction of mandatory detention, and nothing went wrong then - why would it go wrong now?

Certain "control movements" may be applied - the UN Convention - and the interpretive and review documents, as available on our website (see the refugee documents page) all refer to this phase of seeking asylum, and mention several ways of implementing this "control".

Specifically, Project SafeCom insists that:

1. Facilities on Manus Island, Nauru, Christmas Island, Curtin, Port Hedland ALL CLOSE COMPLETELY and IMMEDIATELY.

2. All razor wire, electric fences, lock-downs and various forms of incarceration cease completely and immediately;

3. There will, also in this initial phase, be a MAXIMUM integration in the community, with REPORTING requirements in varying degrees. The UN Convention stipulates that imprisonment is a LAST resort, implemented on a CASE BY CASE basis, and ONLY if the State security is in danger, and we propose this to happen ONLY by approval of the courts in Australia, based on common law and human rights legislation, and NOT by the current immigration laws as they were adapted since the beginning of the 1990's.

4. All phases of processing of asylum seekers has been clearly laid out in "The Australian People's Refugee Visa" on our website.


Jack H. Smit

Project SafeCom Inc.

This page updated 6 June 2002

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