All Ages Voyager Stories

All Ages Voyager Stories

My Best Day

A young B'Elanna finally has a good day! My contribution to 1001 Voyager Nights.RATING: G 11.5K Posted July 1999.

The Replacement

Chakotay tries to move on, but it just isn't in the cards. RATING: G 15.5K Posted July 1999.

Anticipated Arrival

Mark's wife observes Janeway and Chakotay upon their return to Earth. RATING: G 33K Posted April 1999.


Chakotay helps B'Elanna deal with her memories of the Maquis (an older story, written before Extreme Risk). RATING: G 41K Posted February 1999.


Janeway looks for the answers why she hasn't heard from Chakotay in 25 years. RATING: G 102K December 1998


Janeway reflects on some changes in her life. RATING: PG 12.5K September 1998

The Return

Janeway and Chakotay have returned from New Earth, but are they happy about it? RATING: PG 69K August 1998

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

First Impressions
Was the crew always one big, happy family? Janeway and Chakotay remember their "first impressions." March 1998. RATING: PG 131K
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Galley Slave
A short, short piece about Neelix thinking about his day. March 1998. RATING: G 5.5K
Pillow Talk
The answer to an all-dialog chanllenge. March 1998. RATING: PG-13 7K
Read Between The Lines
Set just after Message In A Bottle,but written before I saw Hunters when the real letter shows up. Feb. 1998. RATING: G 11.4K

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