
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story takes place immediately after Noda’s “Anticipated Arrival” and was written with her permission. Feedback welcome at [email protected].

By Andra Marie Mueller

Phoebe found her sister outside a short distance from the building’s entrance, the moonlight illuminating her small frame as she stared out at the bay. Silently walking over to stand beside her, she flashed her a small smile.

“If you’re waiting for your ship to come in, you’re about twelve hours behind schedule,” she said dryly.

Kathryn smiled. “Very funny. Actually, I was just getting a breath of fresh air. With everyone and their mother wanting a piece of me tonight, I was getting a little claustrophobic.”

“I imagine today has been pretty hectic for you,” Phoebe allowed. “First was your homecoming and the official debriefings, then the press conferences and the party. I’m not even part of your crew and all the attention was making me antsy.”

“Unfortunately it’s not going to get better any time soon,” Kathryn replied. “Starfleet doesn’t give up their heroes easily.”

“They did give all of you six weeks personal leave,” Phoebe reminded her. “At least that’s something.”

“Yes it is, and after I spend some time with you and Mom, I intend to use the rest of my vacation to become invisible.”

“Is Chakotay going to go with you?” Phoebe asked casually.

Kathryn cast her a sideways glance. “What kind of question is that?”

“A legitimate one, considering the way you two were stuck to each other like glue all night,” Phoebe declared. “Not that I blame you. The man’s the personification of tall, dark and handsome.”

The captain smiled. “You noticed that, did you?”

Phoebe snorted. “Kath, I’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to notice,” she countered. “So I repeat, is Chakotay going with you?”

Kathryn sighed. “I don’t know. We haven’t really had a chance to talk privately since we’ve been home, and despite appearances, I’m not certain where we stand with each other.”

“It’s perfectly obvious the man’s in love with you, Kath, and if I still know you as well as I used to, I think you feel the same way.”

“I do, but it’s not that simple.”

“It can be,” Phoebe returned. “Forget whatever rules and regulations you hid behind while you were lost in the Delta Quadrant, and just go for it. Tell Chakotay how you feel.”

Kathryn managed a small smile. “I’ll think about it,” she conceded.

“News flash, big sister; you’re home, and no longer required to hide Kathryn behind Captain Janeway. And from the looks Chakotay was getting from the flock of twentysomething Ensigns shadowing him all night, Kathryn had better stake her claim or she’s going to get left out of the race.”

Kathryn shook her head. “Some things never change,” she replied. “I will give your suggestion serious consideration, and I thank you for your concern.”

“Good. I love you, Kath, and I just want you to be happy.”

“I love you too, Phoebe.”

The two women exchanged a hug, then the younger Janeway made her way back inside. No sooner had she entered the room, then Chakotay approached her.

“Phoebe, have you seen Kathryn anywhere?” he asked. “She seems to have disappeared.”

“She's outside, Chakotay,” Phoebe told him.


Chakotay exited the building just as Eris Johnson approached Phoebe. “So did you talk to her?” she pressed.

“Yes,” Phoebe confirmed.


“Her response was, and I quote, ‘I will give your suggestion serious consideration’.”

Eris frowned. “That’s it?”

“No. I just sent Chakotay outside to find her.”

“Well, here’s hoping they do more than just talk,” Eris replied.

Just then the two were approached by the “flock of twentysomething Ensigns” that had been following Chakotay around for most of the evening.

“Excuse me,” the boldest one began, “Have either of you seen Commander Chakotay?”

Eris and Phoebe exchanged a look, then the former answered, “Yes; I believe I overheard him say he was going to head over to the pool at the Academy and take a late night swim.”

“Thank you.”

The group turned in tandem and headed out the door in search of their prey. Once they were gone, Phoebe glanced suspiciously at Eris. “The Academy is on the other side of the city,” she said.

“I know that, but by the time they figure out that Chakotay’s not there, he and Kathryn should be happily ensconced in a nice hotel somewhere making up for lost time.”

Phoebe smiled. “Eris, I like the way you think.”

Chakotay found Kathryn leaning against a tree near the railing that separated the grounds of Starfleet Headquarters from the rocky cliff overlooking the waters of San Francisco Bay. A faint breeze blew a stray lock of hair into her eyes and she absently brushed it away as he came to a halt beside her.

“So this is where you disappeared to,” he said. “I thought maybe you’d been corralled by one of the reporters and were giving another stirring rendition of ‘Kathryn Janeway’s Triumph over the Delta Quadrant’.”

“Thankfully, no.”

“You’ve been out here for a while. Are you alright?”

“Fine; just getting some fresh air.”

“You and Eris seem to have hit it off pretty well,” Chakotay remarked.

“She’s a wonderful woman, and Mark obviously loves her very much,” Kathryn replied. “I’m happy for them.”

“So you two are okay?”

“Absolutely. We managed to squeeze in a few minutes to exorcise some old ghosts, and I’m having dinner with them next week so I can retrieve Bear and meet Socrates.”


“Bear’s son. Mark kept one of the puppies from her litter.”


“So where’s your fan club?” Kathryn asked.

Chakotay frowned. “Fan club?” he echoed in confusion.

“Phoebe mentioned that an entourage of sweet young things has been tailing you for most of the night,” Kathryn clarified.

He shrugged. “I hadn’t noticed,” he said. “My attention was focused sole on a certain starship captain I have come to know and adore over the last five years.”

She blushed. “You are a silver tongued devil, Commander.”

“It’s part of my charm.”

“I’m sure.”

“So…do you want to spend a few more minutes bantering and making inconsequential small talk, or may we finally address the issue of us?”

“You don’t mince words, do you?”

“I’ve waited a long time for this, Kathryn, to be able to tell you how I feel without worrying about a lecture on protocol or a discussion about defining parameters.”

Chakotay’s remark caused the advice she had received from phoebe to flash through her mind.

Forget whatever rules and regulations you hid behind while you were lost in the Delta Quadrant and just go for it. Tell Chakotay how you feel.

Ignoring the nervous flutter in her stomach, Kathryn graced him with a warm smile. “So tell me then,” she prompted.

He smiled back, and lifted his hand to lightly caress her cheek. “I love you, Kathryn, with all of my heart.”

“I love you, too.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.”

A pause. “Well, I have to admit I didn’t think it would be this simple.”

“Simplicity is underrated,” Kathryn responded. “Now do you want to spend a few more minutes bantering and making inconsequential small talk, or do you want to kiss me?”

Chakotay chuckled and lifted his hand to gently cup her face, then pulled her to him for a lengthy kiss.

From their vantage point in the doorway of the building, Phoebe and Eris watched the couple embrace and exchanged satisfied smiles before retreating inside.


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