Cooking With Neelix

Hello! My name is Neelix! No doubt you've heard of me, as my *Feragoit Goulash* is known across twelve star systems! When *Voyager* discovered the array that connected us to the Alpha Quadrant, the crew began composing letters in the hopes they could be sent along the array. I too was caught up in the excitement of the possibility of communicating with the Alpha Quadrant and have prepared my own message of sorts. Since I'm not acquainted with anyone living in the "A.Q.," as we affectionately call it here, I sent this out as a generic letter in the hopes it would be delivered to an appropriate mailbox. While others wrote to loved ones back home, I felt the only thing I could do was send *out* my loved ones--my special recipes. Knowing those of you receiving this wouldn't have access to the wonderful ingredients I have to work with, I've used the computer's database to convert these recipes into common Alpha Quadrant equivalents. For the sake of ease, these will be translated into Terran ingredients.

A word about Leola root. While I find there is no recipe that isn't enhanced by Leola's unique flavor, I found much of the crew doesn't have the same appreciation for this Delta Quadrant delicacy. Unfortunately, you in the Alpha Quadrant won't be able to experience the wonders of this deep purple root, so I've left any references out of my recipes. According to Mr. Paris, it tastes like a combination of rutabagas, asparagus, parsnips and kohlrabi. So my suggestion would be to add a little of all these vegetables to any and all the recipes in this message to truly enjoy the authentic taste. A smoothie, made with the Terran substitutes is a particularly good way to introduce yourself to the wonders of this ambrosia of my corner of the galaxy. So, without further adieu, I give you a taste of the Delta Quadrant!

*Note from NODA*

I'm not exactly sure why this was delivered to me. It had obviously been through a lot, as it was pretty garbled when it arrived. Some type of temporal anomaly had to be present, for this Neelix refers to the twenty-fourth century! But believe me, I was intrigued to find a galactic cook book in my mailbox! Perhaps this was sent to me because I'm a fellow chef, also living on the far reaches of my own quadrant. I don't know. For what ever reason, I felt I owed Neelix the chance to be heard, so I'm posting this on Earth's version of an inter-stellar array. Some of the recipes are a little strange, and some *look* a little strange, but the end result is always interesting!

Delta Quadrant Favorites




Crew Favorites

Here's where you'll find the crew's most requsted recipes, including Captain Janeway's favorite caramel brownies!

Special thanks to Steven of Nine for his wonderfulsite, where I found most of my information and inspiration.

The Fine Print: All characters and a majority of the food words are the property of Paramount. The idea, combination of foods and recipes are mine or public property. No money is being made from this, and is intended for entertainment only. Copyright 1998 by NODA

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