Bio for the creator
Yes, a bio for boring old me.. hmm.. what shall I say...
Name: Kaitlin
Age: 18 (as of May 2005)
Appearance: red curly hair, a lot of freckles, hair falls to shoulders, wears either glasses or contacts, green eyes
Birthday: May 26, 1987
Personality: bossy, creative-minded, shy around new people, indecisive, goal-oriented, intelligent,
Hobbies: reading, watching TV or movies or anime, listening to music (AEROSMITH IS THE BEST BAND EVER!!!!!), playing video games, playing field hockey, traveling, learning random languages, writing (noda21 on, riding as many rollercoasters as possible
Favorite food: lasagna
Favorite Actor(s): Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman
Favorite Actress(es): Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts
Favorite anime: Fushigi Yuugi
Favorite TV show: depends.. right now its Lost
Favorite movie: Breakfast Club or for musicals, Singing in the Rain and Oklahoma
Favorite Book(s): Lord of the Rings, The Three Fates
Favorite Quote: (god too many!)  right now:
                        "Stop saving the world and get a hobby!"
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